View Full Version : good news guys, i found the solution to anxiety!!! (my conclusion)

12-19-2011, 01:29 AM
ok, now i want you guys to pay close attention and please follow what im about to say;
i was laying in bed one night wondering why is it that we suffer from anxiety but nothing extremely bad happens to us? there has been rarely to no reports about people passing out from anxiety and definitely no reports of people dying, why is that? you may be wondering and here is my conclusion. basically the way anxiety works is the same as when you're sleeping, in your dream if you've tried holding your breath (i've done it before and im sure most of you have as well) you'll notice that in real life you're still breathing just fine although the dream feels like you aren't otherwise. anxiety has the very same logic, when you believe that you aren't breathing or that you're going numb, in reality you are breathing just fine, your body is getting its oxygen and that you're also not going numb for any reason. if you follow this train of thought, really really follow this train of thought you'll realize as i have now come to realize this very night that those feelings we get are superficial (imaginary, a dream) and our bodies (in reality) are doing just fine :)

12-19-2011, 04:08 AM
You may be right, although I tend to think of a lot of the symptoms as real due to overbreathing of CO2, and abnormal nervous system stimulation and adrenaline release. Not that it's real you will pass out or die or stop breathing, but real in that things are physically happening to your mind and body causing you symptoms that is misinterpreted as serious. I may be wrong, but that is how I saw my own anxiety. If you hyperventilate yourself now, and shoot yourself up with adrenaline, (Please don't really do this) I bet you would feel like a panic attack.

12-19-2011, 12:03 PM
I like both of these ideas. I think that it's true that you aren't in real danger when you suffer from anxiety, but your brain doesn't know that. Your brain cannot tell the difference between what's real and what's not, just like in a dream. In that case, anxiety is a real condition that can upset your life on a monumental scale. It's not about fatality, it's about interfering with your daily life.

12-19-2011, 03:58 PM
But my belief is your brain tells you that you are dying and it is life threatening so you are motivated to run from the wild animal.

Panic symptoms are a result of the fight or flight response which is a release of chemicals. On top of that, you have the psychological stuff. But I don't think of anxiety symptoms as imaginary and just something to "get over" or "snap out of". I look at it as slowly little by little bringing your body back to balance physically, while at the same time dealing with psychological aspects of your mind which will eventually result in no more anxiety.

Like I said, if someone shot you up with adrenaline, after you hyperventilated yourself, throwing off your CO2 balance, then your heart went up to 160 bpm, and your shaking, all the blood rushes to your limbs to prepare for fleeing, then you get light headed, would that be all imaginary or in your head? No, you'd be scared because of how you feel. What would the solution be for this example? Not to shoot up adrenaline into your veins and to not hyperventilate. I could be wrong, but this is how I see it, and it worked. I don't get panic attacks anymore.