View Full Version : Need some kind of reassurance pertaining to potential 'Heart Problem Anxiety'

12-17-2011, 02:14 AM
-I keep thinking I have underlying heart issues, but I have had 3 EKG's, 2 Chest x-rays, 2 blood tests and a urinalysis which all came out normal...still I feel something is wrong...I find myself being a hypochondriac and constantly fear death, like I feel like I am just going to pass out/keel over any minute, and I constantly worry about my friends and family, God forbid if anything actually happens to them. I also tend to be very skeptical about doctors, sometimes I feel like if they can't pinpoint something they just use anxiety as an excuse for their inability to look deeper, which I don't fault them too much considering they are very busy individuals.

-If I did have any heart issues wouldn't I have died by now? I am a 21 year old male who lifts heavy weights 5 days a week for about 3-4 years now, so isn't that in itself a stress test for the heart? I eat rather healthy too. I find myself constantly checking my pulse like I have OCD (Which I might..) and think every little noise/sharp pain that comes from my chest area (which may honestly be my stomach) is my heart being faulty or something. I have also been eating a lot 'heart healthy' foods and supplements in the hopes that it will alleviate a potential random heart attack I may have.

-If I did in fact have something wrong with my heart wouldn't it be more evident by now? I am so sorry if I sound like a lunatic, I just worry myself to death and don't know what do with myself I hate this feeling I can't even enjoy life and I refuse to take medication.

Any input is greatly appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read this.

12-17-2011, 05:54 AM
My friend, so much of what you said sounds like me last year.

Did you get an Echocardiogram of your heart? I am not saying you should, but that is a key heart test you didn't list. Without it, in the rare chance you did have a heart issue, you couldn't say for sure. Is that what you meant by chest X Ray? An Echogram can tell if there is anything structurally wrong with your heart or valves.

If you read into your posts, you can see you answer a lot of your own questions in a very subtle way. One thing I noticed, is you don't list any heart symptoms really besides some minot chest pains. So what exactly is causing you to believe your heart is faulty? Do you get chest pains while exercising? What is linking your worries to your heart?

12-17-2011, 04:35 PM
I am always a what if what if what if type of person which drives me crazy at times. But heart issues and brain tumors seem to be the most prevalent health issues when pertaining to anxiety sufferers right? I may be fine, but I know the echocardiogram is probably the definitive test that identifies even the most minute heart problems. I think I may just go and do that regardless even if they look at me crazy..that is probably the ultimate tests that would put my heart issues at ease it seems.

12-17-2011, 05:01 PM
Well I think it's pretty clear you're wrestling with anxiety here(I'm quite sure your ticker is fine). At 21 it's unusual to get an echo test if you have 3 normal ekg's(that's what insurance might say anyway). The reason the heart is often the focus of anxiety(used to think I had a heart condition too) is because when your anxious your pulse picks up big time and you notice that somatic(body symptom) and start to worry about a heart issue since it beating sooo fast and you sure can easily feel it. The more you think about it and notice it the more you worry and thus the cycle begins. Then you might get psychosomatic pains as I did. The cycles really starts to feed on that and you off to the anxiety races! Reduce anxiety, reduce all the other symptoms. If you had an echo test you'd go home and feel better and then start to worry if they "missed something" and start to worry again. Or worry about another health threat. You would refuse meds but will you consider meeting with a counselor to see if you get some reduction in your anxiety that way? Message me any time.

12-30-2011, 01:39 AM
This sounds exactly like me this past April. I refused to take medication as well. Since all of those tests were done and the results were positive you should be fine. Just try to think positive thoughts and maybe practice some breathing/ meditation exercises to ease the mind. Hope everything works out

12-31-2011, 06:49 PM
In the same boat here...Few months ago I was having panic attacks back to back every hour or so daily. Heart palpitations and a slight pain in my chest and I was off to the ER. They checked everything, said I was fine. Went to my doctor, said I looked ok but went ahead and got me to a cardiologist. Cardiologist said nothing was wrong, but that my heart was beating a little fast(and I was nervous the entire time he was checking on me). Had a stress test done, EKG, had a few chest x-rays done , everything came back OK(and I was nervous during all of these test). Cardiologist said its probably anxiety.
Still I constantly check my heart and feel it beating, its not that I don't trust my doctors its just the fact I'm feeling it. Unlike most people I don't really exercise as much and live a lazy lifestyle so my heart isn't exactly in its best condition(I'm not overweight though) so it does beat a little fast. I'm slowly starting to do some light cardio hoping to get my BPM down. Even if it doesn't end my constant feeling of the heart at least I know it wont be beating as often.

I have not been taking any medication and will probably refuse to take any meds for anxiety. I hope I can get over this though.

01-01-2012, 06:28 AM
Heart anxiety does seem to be a common one, the fact that you have had a heap of tests with no issues is great. I know that feeling that one more test will be the definitive one, unfortunately I find that it helps in the short term but when you have anxiety you still find a way to have nagging doubts over it! There is the fear the are wrong or that they have missed something, its only your anxiety talking. It sounds like you take care of your self and exercise well, you have had multiple tests that are all clear...forget about your heart and go out and enjoy life!

Oh BTW, the whole taking of your pulse is not helpful! When you think about your heart rate and fear it I can guarantee you it will speed up everytime! Its natural!

01-03-2012, 02:29 PM
Hi Dunkaroo,
I have totally been in you're shoes at least a dozen and a half times...Definitely dealing with some anxiety. I have suffered from some form of anxiety most all my life, and was diagnosed with GAD, and OCD about for years ago. During that time I began getting excruciating chest pains. The type that would literally drop me to my knees, and leave me pretty much incapable of taking a full breath of air. I am not sure what the correlations was (as I am no doctor) but at one point when I was brought to the hospital because of this I was diagnosed with Periocarditis. Which in lame man's terms is an inflammation to the lining of the heart. I am no way saying this could be what is happening with you at all, I am just telling you about this because the physical effects of anxiety are VERY REAL.

In sum, it was explained to me that because I had been so stress (anxious, really) I had worked the muscles around my heart a bit too much..

From your posting, it seems like you are anxious over your health, but really shouldn't be.

My greatest recommendation would be finding your trigger to your anxiety and going from there. I can tell you for me personally my biggest trigger is sudden drastic and changes. (i.e. a falling out, death, starting or ending a new job, failed relationships, etc)

Start with trying to recognize your triggers and work from there. It might also be beneficial to mention something to your primary care doctor. Know one person ever knows a body better than their own. So raising questions, or in your case prompting them to your doc about your anxiety concerns might be helpful.

Hope this helps.

01-03-2012, 04:10 PM
Seems like a lot of people have/had this problem. I can't help but still feel like something is off, it may be different for everyone though. What Lucy said makes a lot of sense though. Since my problem is so focused on my heart I probably am wearing it out.
Though this problem is making me take steps to get my mind off of it...I'm starting to jog and exercise little by little(I'm really lazy haha), I'm starting a new diet too since I used to just eat everything and anything, which I'm sure isn't good for my health either way.Trying to gain a little weight too since I'm a bit underweight.. I'm just hoping it all works out in the end.