View Full Version : does it ever end

12-16-2011, 08:09 PM
I must admit that I have gotten some relief from anxiety but now I have this deep sadness that seems to linger. No matter what I can't seem to shake it. I have tried to think positive about life because I have positive things and people in my life but then I seem to come back to the reality of what's really goin on or I get a weird ache and it puts me right back into the panic mode I am desperately trying to escape. The sadness runs soo deep and I don't know why I am this sad. I am not sure this is normal but I am having a really hard time coping and don't know what to do......

12-16-2011, 08:41 PM
Anxiety and depression and related to a large degree. Have you started with treatment? Where are you along that line? I suspect you have yet to get much treatment but correct me it I'm wrong.

12-17-2011, 06:10 AM
I was told by my dr I am vitamin d deficient so I am taking vitamin d that seems to have helped with the anxiety I was also seeing a therapist but due to all that has gone on my husband sent me to be with my mother and sister which I guess I am ok with but I no longer have a therapist. And I don't want to take any medications for depression unless they are natural. I guess I thought that the vitamin d would fix everything but I am still left with the sadness.

12-17-2011, 06:32 AM
Sounds like the vitamin d isn't cutting it.

If you don't want to use medication, there are a lot of "natural" homeopathic doctors out there who treat anxiety and depression (and the like). Ask around or do a google search to see if there's one near you.

You deserve to feel better than this!

12-17-2011, 06:59 AM
That sadness can stay around quite a while after anxiety has been. I suffered it for around a year after my panic attacks had ended. It was just a shallow, empty, lonely, unhappy feeling. My mind had had it's brain chemistry whacked so out of balance that I really felt it. Anxiety can eat up serotonin like no man's business, which, as alan said, makes anxiety and depression almost an inseparable duo. Right now your body needs some serotonin, quite badly it seems. Taking vitamin D may help, but theres a chance it may not help enough, and so external measures need to be taken to boost this seretonin supply. Unfortunately you can't positive think this balance back up, so real things need to be done to increase it. Medication is always a possibility, as it is the most obvious way of increasing serotonin, but as homebird said, there are many natural ways to do it too, which can be just as effective.

All I can say is it does end, eventually, but it does take a while for the mind to rebalance. Mental chemistry is so fragile, and when an imbalance occurs, it can take some time rectify deficiencies.