View Full Version : Planet Anxiety

12-16-2011, 06:23 PM
Hi there, I am new to this Forum. Does anyone else suffer with an obsession with the Planets resources? I know I sound strange, but I constantly worry about the environment and now its near to Christmas it gets worse, as I think about wrapping paper - god I sound sooo weird!! Don't you just love suffering with Anxiety!!!

12-17-2011, 11:34 AM
Sineidin, don't be tricked by environmental extremists in the media. I have a degree in Environmental Science(and am an amateur historian:)) and can tell you the planet is fine. YES. Sure we have to make efforts to take care of the planet/use resources wisely, etc, but many have gone down the road to making it a political issue. Your anxiety can be exacerbated by reading too much about that. I used to be worried a great deal about nuclear war back when I was just out of high school and in Air Force ROTC in college. My doc advised that really, it was my anxiety latching on to this concept and it matured as a worry. Key was MY ANXIETY was the real issue. He said work on reducing/understanding anxiety, etc, and I would be less likely to worry excessively about nuclear war, my health, etc. He was so right! Christmas, which I love, can increase your anxiety a tad since it is a stimulus of sorts as well as be a bit of stress. Factor that all in Sineidin. As humans we will always, as in the past, manage our problems as they be come apparent action is needed and we go on until the next issue comes about and we turn or attention to working on it until we get the correction needed, etc. It's not like we are helpless. We can and do take action. It always was that way, it's that way now and always will be that way. That's life on this wonderful, ever changing, interesting, one in a million planet! And it's OK!!! Reduce your anxiety and you'll get the proper perspective back. I did. I know there are some who will post "no, Alankay, you're wrong, the sky IS falling". Well OK, feel that way. I know better and if you believe that. OK. Leave me out. I choose a happier, less anxious and fearful existence. No matter how you feel, life will go on on this planet and you might as well enjoy your time and not worry too much. It's OK and appropriate to have concerns, sure, but not to the point of causing you distress and undue anxiety thereby reducing the quality of your life. I don't want that for you or any one. Bottom line, reduce you anxiety, feel better about............................pretty much everything!!!!:) I truly wish you the best. Message me any time.