View Full Version : Reframing a stressful situation

12-16-2011, 08:06 AM
I am having anxiety over a move I made that did not work out. It is now compounded by an ultimatium at work to move back to where I came from when what I would like to do is move to the east coast. I have until after Christmas to decide if I will: 1) move back 2) move in with a friend on the east coast and get a temporary job not in my field for awhile or 3) I could possibly hear back about a job application I have in. This is a pretty stressful situation. I have an equal number of people telling me to move back temporarily as are telling me to move east. My gut says that moving back is step back and in the wrong direction for my life but could be a secure place to job search from. I am excited when I think about possibly moving in with my friend but also very scared that I would be making a bad decision given this economy. I can't decide and I know I need to drop it in my mind for a bit. But, I am having trouble doing that because it is stirring up my anxiety. Does anyone have any advice about reframing this situation in my mind so that I can also see and feel the excitement about the new possibility and less just the fear? Or even just being able to reframe it in a way where I can really trust the universe and let go of worry for awhile?

12-16-2011, 09:33 AM
I can try to help, because I'm in a not dissimilar position :-)

I am quitting my job to become a self-employed freelance writer. I have a very secure job, it pays well, and it has great prospects. And I don't even know if freelance writing is what I want to do with my life. So why aren't I totally freaking out. It's simple - I know that my current job, regardless of the above points, is not right for me. I'm not happy with it, and I know it is not what I want to do.

Knowing what you want from life is pretty damned tough. Knowing what you don't want can be a lot easier. Don't think about trying to move towards what you want - just make sure you are moving away from what you don't want.

Hope that helps!