View Full Version : Hello Everyone!! I'm New!! Got a question!!

12-15-2011, 09:34 PM
Hey everybody! I'm 23 years old and never really had any problems with anxiety till about a year ago. I feel like for the most part I have a good grasp on it...but then I have days were I'm fatigued and that seems to spark it. Don't really want to be on Meds but I really hate days like that..!! I sometimes feel as if I'm having heart palpations (I don't really know) and lightheadness. I would appeciate any feedback, or just how you coped with your anxiety?! Thanks!!

12-16-2011, 12:50 AM
hey JMP- welcome!
I'm also new to anxiety (3 months or so). I haven't gone on meds (yet- no plans to, but won't rule anything out). There were really dark times where I felt there was no other way, but in the end, I'm basically dealing with it by going to therapy. I lucked out and really like and trust the first therapist I went to. I'm also lucked out by having two very good friends who've had similar experiences and know what to do to calm me down. I drink a lot of camomile tea and use Dr. Bach's Rescue remedy. It doesn't work once I'm in a state, but it can calm me down if I feel I'm going to have a panic attack. And this forum helped out too- knowing there were others like me (not that I'd ever wish this on anybody).
Best of luck!

12-16-2011, 12:51 AM
Also, in the general anxiety forum, there is a list of symptoms. Heart palpitations and lightheadedness are definitely there, but check it out. Other problems you may have can probably be attributed to anxiety.

12-16-2011, 02:16 AM
Welcome Jmp,

Fatigue can deffinetly contribute to anxiety and depression becoming more prominent. Withought a more thorough idea of what you are going through I would recomend this. Get some rest and lots of fluids and if you feel that these sypmtoms are persisting there is nothing wrong with consulting your GP about the palpitations and lightheadedness. Both are deffinetly symptoms of anxiety I know as I have had them too but if you have never had a check up for your heart it's always a good idea to eliminate any worry you may have. They will likely check your BP and maybe do an EKG and then you can relax and work on easing whatever is causing you the anxiety.

12-16-2011, 08:02 AM
Besides a talk with a counselor or GP I would recommend limiting caffiene and alcohol. In a nutshell they can worsen anxiety unless just in small quanities.
Make sure you have a decent common sense diet and get regular exercise. The exercise(especially aerobic exercise) is important since it promotes relaxation of body and mind and is just good for you(within reason, no marathon running needed).
Get started practicing relaxation. Anxiety has a hard time existing well in a relaxed body. Make sure you purposefully relax your head and jaw musles as well as your shoulders as these get tense first as anxiety increases. It will help break the cycle of the anxiety response. Simple deep breathing in a comfortable position is a great way to start.


12-16-2011, 11:43 PM
Thank You All! Yes I also am relieved that there are other people going through similar situations! I have a wonderful and understanding family, but none have went through anything like anxiety. I started to think something was seriously wrong with me. But now I have a better understanding, and seem to be coping better. I probably do need to kick up the exercise! My sleeping habits tend to be kind of bad so I need to work on that too!! Last time I went to the DR. my blood pressure was norm and had blood work done, which was ok. Next time I go I'm going to see if I can get an EKG (so no worrying)! I'm def going to try the tea also! I haven't had a full on attack in a while, but on those days were I feel fatigued I have what I call Mini ones. I recently quit drinking (5 months now) and at first things seemed to get worse, but now are little by little getting better! Seeing a therapist is def on my to do list, just kind of worried my insurance won't cover it.