View Full Version : Agoraphobia Or ???

12-15-2011, 03:12 PM
I am not classily agoraphobic in that I don’t have panic attacks when I am out and I drive long distances to walk nature trails. But I am always highly agitated and have extremely sensitized nerves so if I go into a store my raw nerves get worse and I start to come apart - but no panic. So for 4 years I have not shopped unless compelled to go to Home Depot to get something I had to, to fix the house.

I just found out that we have a nationally famous panic/anxiety/agoraphobia about 10 miles away. She wont do phone or home work so I have to go there. This scares the crap out of me but she says not going out just imbeds the anxiety more and make is worse.

Love everyone's thoughts

12-15-2011, 05:01 PM
Yep, it's called phobic avoidance. So far it does seem, even though you feel anxious, you don't avoid things(which is very good). You CAN go into the store, etc(even with the bad discomfort, you still go). What can happen is that the circle of "comfort" areas or your "OK" zone gets smaller and smaller(has NOT been the case for you though) and eventually you do go down the road of agoraphobia. It seems you DON'T quite have that problem. If you did you'd have seen it in the 4 years you've suffered. I think anyway. If you could summon up the courage to do this one more thing, see the therapist you'll see it was mostly
anticipatory anxiety and, although hard to get started with her/him, you'll be sooo glad you did. The start of getting better! Message me any time.