View Full Version : Stuck emotions

12-14-2011, 09:32 AM
Just could use some support. After a few years of being basically anxiety free I have recently been feeling quite a bit especially at night and in the morning. I know it is situational. I recently moved and basically everything is going wrong here. Before I chose to move here I went back on forth on whether to move here or to move back to the east coast and be near my family. I am now sure I made the wrong decision and taking steps to move east but it will probably not be for a couple more months. In the meantime the anxiety feels pretty miserable (and I guess, so do I). I know there is something to be learned from this move and I am trying to see it that way but it is hard. I think that part of me is incredibly sad and needs to mourn for what I thought this place would be. But, it seems like I can't quite access the emotions. They are somehow stuck. I think that if I could really cry it might help with all of the anxiety. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to access and express emotions to help reduce anxiety? Thanks.

12-14-2011, 10:22 AM
Yep, I have had that in the past. I was separated from my fiance' for a while and well ................. was a bit depressed. Just veryyy sad and hanging in there by a thread. I saw a counselor and it helped big time. I was unable to cry. I wanted to get this pit of sadness out of me but was unable to do so. It did help to talk about it and articulate how I felt and what I might do for it in the mean time. I found it helped to me to say to myself, "this doesn't define me, it's just how I'm feeling right now". "I feel sad because......" and detail why you feel this way. it's "OK" to feel that way when things are not right and acknowledge you will persevere, despite how hard it is right now. But yep, I was unable to cry to get the pain out and wished I could have. But I hung in there and in time, got it all turned around as I saw needed, in time. I took some time.