View Full Version : OCD

12-03-2006, 02:06 AM
Anyone else here get to experience the joy that is OCD? I was diagnosed OCD more than 10 years ago and was just interested in hearing other people's experiences. My OCD is centered around routines and rituals, but it has been manageable with meds.

12-08-2006, 03:38 PM
Hi - I'm sorry no one has posted here in reply to your question. I do not have experience with OCD personally but I just want to say hi and BIG HUSG. It must be difficult dealing with that.

12-10-2006, 04:46 AM
Thanks for the reply D. Hugs go a long way. Hope you're doing well.

12-16-2006, 08:29 PM
I have been told I have some OCD tendencies... mostly centered around worry and hyper vigilence... as long as there are no stress factors everything is ok and I tend to use my OCD to make me more production at work, but then it can turn on me at times....

12-22-2006, 02:05 AM
Just wanted to say hi!

I have never been diagnosed with OCD but I do have the symptoms...counting, washing hands, scared to touch anything that has been touched by someone else and the worst of all is driving in my car and hitting a bump in the road and have to turn around to see if I hit someone. It takes me almost 30 minutes to get where I am going b/c of this problem. It sounds very crazy but I can't help it. I posted about a month ago about the panic attacks and anxiety but I am almost certain that this is stress induced OCD and panic attacks. I had an appointment to go to the doctor but was scared that he would think I was crazy. Well ne way hope you all are doing well and have a Happy Holiday and New Year! Maybe I can get up enough nerve to go to the doctor this time.....good luck everyone!!!!