View Full Version : Anxiety - Reflux - Serious discomfort

12-13-2011, 03:49 AM
Hi Guys,

I will be posting my introduction later, I would like to however, get this out the way with.

I will do the best to give you some background.

I have had seriously bad anxiety for a number of years, I'm a 25 year old male.

There are a lot of symptoms which I have encountered, and naturally as anxiety / GAD progresses, you start to experience some symptoms in a more 'severe' way. For me, these have taken on various forms and have shifted radically from one symptom to the next over X amount of time. This has been from chest pains / heart related things / IBS / lots of bad stomach pains / the most insanely wierd headaches / globus / tremmors / loss of sex drive / etc . There is a long list, and I don't much care to write it all out.

One of the things I would like to discuss, that has been bothering me for a number of months and is causing me a great deal of discomfort is on the left hand side of the back of my throat. As with all the anxiety symptoms I have previously experienced I have always been quick to seek medical advice and have tests done where nescersary. I have been to some of the best doctors in the UK and had them look at me, perform tests, and give me the all clear, time after time.

For this particular symptom I went to Harley Street in London and had a tube stuck up my nose and a family friend / doctor looked down my throat and told me everything is fine, assured me that my anxieties about not being able to breathe properly, feelings of a blockage, fears that my throat was swelling up etc, nothing to worry about at all, I have reflux and to take Lanzoprasol to counteract acid reflux.

I wake up most mornings with this feeling, I go to sleep most evenings with this feeling, this feeling like I'm being strangled. It hinders my quality of life in almost every aspect, even from the basic eating and drinking. My anxiety is unfortunately a multi-faceted demon and I want to basically crush it where it stands. I feel like I am being tormented every day and wake up feeling like im being choked, and I have it as I type this.

The anxiety for me, causes anxiety and makes me perform 'health checks' on myself, and I do this through no conciouss effort (that I am aware) from when I wake up, throughout the day. OF COURSE, the more you focus on something the more hypersensitive it becomes and the more you panic because you are hightening the symptoms. But is that really the case? How can you distuinguish between what is a medical issue and what isnt a medical issue other than the amount of time nothing has happened for?

I've had the barium, I've had the tube down the nose twice and apparently I am fine.

I am finding this extremely hard to deal with as I just feel that someone (as I am sure a lot of you do) is missing a trick.

I sometimes stare in the mirror with my mouth wide open trying to look down my throat, and where my lymph node is on the left hand side is where I experience most of this discomfort and it is, and has been more swollen than the one on the right side for maybe 2 years now. I had a biopsy done, its nothing, I'm fine. It does appear to me that it is slightly more swollen that side at the back of my throat but there has been no changes in years and my specialist just said not all of us are symmetrical!

I'd like to know about any other experiences with this and lanzoprasol.

I have gone out to eat with clients and it is so awkward not being able to eat because you are scared of choking to death on your food, or even when you are sat at home, or drinking, or anything! I've really reached a breaking point with this symptom and it is driving me crazy. This is one of so many symptoms I have experienced in the years that has really tested me.

Much love


12-13-2011, 05:17 AM
Hi Sash
I also sufer from acid reflux and I understand what u are goin through. I have been told by my doctor that the swellin comes from the acid building up what works for me is cough drops halls refreshers to be exact. Hang in there it gets better.