View Full Version : The dreaded breaking point....

12-13-2011, 03:38 AM
I've suffered from general anxiety disorder for a little over 6 years now and it feels like 15! I tired, frustrated and scared. The anxiety has actually got itself to the point where I feel it's starting to really affect my everyday life. It's starting to be almost debilitating and that really scares me. I have been open minded and I've tried so many things and been to so many doctors only to achieve temporary relief. Most recently I actually went 1 1/2 without an anxiety attack or many physical symptoms. That was up until a few months ago right before I delivered my daughter. Slowly in the 7th month the anxiety and the syptoms stated to creep back. I figured it was due to the impending birth and hormones. After the baby was born I chalked it up to hormones and lack of sleep. Well, 4 months later the syptoms are all still there and worse than they have ever been! I used to have a great doctor out in Las Vegas and attribute my temporary relief to him. I've since moved home to New York and can't seem to find a decent, understanding, compassionate doctor with any real bedside manor. Apparently, all of the drug addicts have ruined it for those who truely suffer because most of the doctors here treat everyone like they are drug seeking addicts. I started seeing a psychiatrist (one of two my insurance will cover) who put me on propanol. Has anyone else ever taken that for anxiety? I was skeptical but followed her direction and took it anyway. A week into the medication I had the biggest panic attack ever in the middle of a grocery store that I initailly thought was an allergic reaction to the medication. I called the "emergency" line to my psychiatrists office only to get an automated message telling me to call the suicide prevention hotline. I couldn't belive it! A trip to the ER got me a dose of Benadryl and steroids and instrutions to have my primary care order a chest echo. When I tried to reach my psychiatrist to let her know what was going on, I got her assistant. Basically, I never got to speak with her and was simply told to restart tohe medication and "give it time." I dont see her again for another 4 weeks and after trying the medication for a few more days (which made me feel awful) I stopped taking it completely. I've seen my primary and we did the stress test and echo. They didn't see anything out of the norm during the test but I won't have my results until today. In the past I've tried paxil and wellbutrin. Neither of which I was a fan of and will never take again. I just dont know what to do anymore and I feel like its starting to get me depressed a little. Its hard to describe but I'm sure someone will understand. I feel like I'm going to have to suffer with this for the rest of my life and never feel normal or good again. Sorry for the rant.