View Full Version : could this mean parkinsons

12-11-2011, 11:44 PM
ive gotten rid of alot of my anxiety symptoms lately but one that remains is the occasional waking up with full body shaking or trembling i have some tingling only at night in head and face and mild headaches could it be parkinsons

12-12-2011, 12:08 AM
I don't know much about parkinsons, but I do know that many times when I get anxiety, I do shake and tremble... best of luck!

12-12-2011, 11:00 AM
Don't Google!!!!

Seriously though, don't. The problem with diagnosing on Google is that the symptoms that people commonly experience as part of being human (and those without anxiety disorders simply forget about and don't dwell on) are related to MANY diseases and problems that the human body can experience. However, just because they CAN happen when there is a problem doesn't mean its related to a problem at all! Ever notice if you dwell on the shaking/tingling sensations it gets worse? That should tell you something.

I have the shaking occasionally when I wake up. Just because you're sleeping doesn't mean your brain isn't stressed and worrying.

You'll be fine :)

12-12-2011, 11:38 AM
Hi there, i have health anexiey and i have to urge myself not to google things, i come on this site and get help just by reading other people's comments.
I seem to notice every slight changet to my body , I am currntly full of cold and have just found lumps behind my ears, so staright away i think i have some terrible illness, I have to reason with myself and focus on the fact that i have a cold and my glands are probably swollen.
It does not help when my kids come to me with aches and pains, i feel myself getting hot and panicky. xx

12-12-2011, 12:04 PM
It's alllll anxiety. Get treated and reduce it(anxiety), your symptoms will be reduced as well as worry of it all.

12-12-2011, 11:55 PM
the only thing ive been diagnosed with is low calcium can calcium levels affect anxiety