View Full Version : lexapro please help me!!!!!

12-02-2006, 05:55 PM
I went to the doctor with a mild case of anxiety and at first he gave me xanax(.25mg) which pretty much did the trick. Once I finished the prescription I was fine for a little bit until the panic returned. I went back and he decided to prescribe me Lexapro(10mg). I took a pill and a half and this has to be the worst product on earth. I’ve already experienced every side effect from supper depression to muscle twitches to sexual problems, diarrhea to headaches the list goes on. I decided to go cold turkey after 2 days on it. my question is how long will these symptoms last? cause I’ve been off it for 2 days now and I feel worse then ever, like im a depressed zombie.(ps. I’ve never been depressed in my life until I took this pill) please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And one more note, I took 1 pill on Tuesday (Nov 28), and a half a pill on Wednesday(Nov 29). Today is Saturday and I still feel like a zombie(like im not myself) im still experiencing body twitches, insomnia, loss of appetite and sexual dysfunction. What’s going on??????all this from only 2 pills?

12-02-2006, 09:31 PM
I took Lexapro as well and did not like it at all. Sounds like you are having withdrawal. I find withdrawal usually lasts a week or two. I suggest using Xanax while you withdrawal. Have you had depression issues as well, or just anxiety. Maybe another anti depressant would help. I have used sooooo many, but Paxil seems to be the best. Xanax is awesome as well, but highly addictive.

Hang in there.
Hope this helps.

12-02-2006, 09:43 PM
Thanks for your quick replies. As far as depression, I’ve never experienced symptoms until now. With xanax I was perfect but because of its highly addictive nature, my doctor refuses to give it to me. I feel a little better, but I don’t know how long I will last. Im still a little space out. For the minor depression im getting I’ve been taking st johns wort. Any suggestions????

12-02-2006, 10:33 PM
Paxil did the trick for me for the past 10 years, but it destroys any hope of a sex life and is incredibly addictive (physically). I have tried to come off it 3 times and failed every time due to the horrible withdrawal (zaps, dizziness, unreality, flu-like symptoms). I'm currently switching to Lexapro in hopes of reclaiming a sex life before my wife leaves me. It's been a bad day, but Xanax helps. My dr. said the symptoms should be weakened by going from one SSRI to another. Long story short, only go on Paxil if you have to. Other meds will be just as effective, but it may take a month for side effects to go away and theraputic levels to be reached. Keep the Xanax as a security blanket until something works as a regular maintenance drug.

12-03-2006, 05:49 AM
My Doctor put me on Lexapro because most antidepressants will affect my Beta-Blocker. I have no side effects but I don't think it works. I have Xanax too and it does the trick but it is highly addictive and you can build up a tolerance to it if you take it too much. I couldn't take Paxil at all made me super depressed. Plus I can't take it now cause of my heart condition. It's called Congenital Long QT Syndrome. I can't really take anything now, especially anything that's a stimulant of any kind. Just found out 2 years ago about my heart when I died at work. Now I don't know if I'm having anxiety or my hearts going to stop. Which I used to worry about when I first got anxiety. Try another med or a Cognitive Therapist.
