View Full Version : Diazipan, what do they do?
12-09-2011, 10:44 AM
i take 20mg citalopram everyday and my doctor gave me 6 tablets of diazipan but said to only use them if i really need to, im feeling abit anxious today due to having abit too much to drink last night :/ and im thinking about taking one but if im honest im abit scared too just cos i dont really know what to expect one iv taken it
what do they actually do? are they safe? should i take one?
12-09-2011, 02:43 PM
It's a tranquilizer. It makes you very relaxed, almost has a euphoric sensation with it. Makes me very tired, so I wouldn't recommend it during the day unless you're having an anxiety attack, not just general worrying.
Have only taken it on rare occasions when having panic attack episodes. It does tend to make you forget things when its active in your system, so not good if you're a student lol..
Edit: To clarify, they are safe for short-term use, but like most drugs in this category your body tends to build up tolerance to it. In other words, think of it as emergency backup, NOT as a solution to your anxiety issue. They aren't like SSRI's or other anti-depressents for anxiety. You should not take one daily unless your doctor tells you to. They are what I consider emergency options to calm you down when you're in a bad panic attack.
12-09-2011, 05:09 PM
Can i also add to Enzo's post, dont drive if you're taking diazepam.
12-09-2011, 05:37 PM
What dose is it worrier? They gave them to me during my worst spell. I found 2mg took a slight edge off, 5mg made me pretty relaxed and calm, a pleasant relief, 10mg made me way too tired but was useful very occassionally if panic attacks had stopped me sleeping for a few nights in a row. Or, if I was having a truly mother of a panic attacks and wanted to be in Z-land.
They are great drugs, the problem is they are too great. They stop panic attacks very efficiently, and if used sparingly can provide great relief. That relief is addictive, and you never wanna feel panic attacks again whilst theres a drug that can stop it. It's such a double edged sword.
Also don't drink and take them, it will make you feel pretty awful.
How's the Citalopram working out?
12-09-2011, 10:56 PM
I agree Jessed03, I use them but only in a very small dose (I will cut a 2mg tablet in half, take the first half, then only take the second half if i need to) I actually find that when i take them it makes me not want to go out and do things, but not sure whether thats just me or not LOL. I have not taken any for anxiety for quite a while now (a few months i think) but do have to use them for chorinic migraine which sucks.
I would save them for when you really need them or are extremely anxious, generally on a day to day basis, try to distract from the anxiety as bets you can and only use them as a last resort.
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