View Full Version : My anxiety

12-08-2011, 05:37 PM
Hello folks, I will cut to the chase. Around 6 years ago i had terrible anxiety and thought i had every illness possible, i was a mess. I then got a job for 5 years and was anxiety free.

A year ago i was paid off and ever since then the old symptoms have reappeared. So far i have had MS, testicular cancer, heart disease and more recently bowel/colon cancer. I have a pain on the right side of my abdomen and strange feelings in my stomach.

I constantly worry about my family and friends, im getting treatment with a CBT which has helped a bit. Im an active male, almost 30 and lead a healthy life. I have probably bored you guys and girls enough so bye for now.

PS - Great site and its been very helpful :)

12-08-2011, 06:30 PM
I wanted to chime in here, I am by no means an expert, so take my comments as you see fit.
First, I would recommend going to see a doctor, pain in the stomach can be a host of things so first order, make sure everything is physically ok. Once you have done that you will know that it is anxiety, hopefully a clean bill of health from an md will give you a boost of confidence. Second I want to say that I am having much the same issue, my anxiety was re started by being sick and as many of us do worrying that something major was wrong, somehow it could not have simply been a cold! Anyway I have a pain in my stomach, severe burning/cramping mostly in the center, I went to the er about it and was informed that it was excess stomach acid. I know there is another connection between acid reflux and anxiety, hence my excess acid production, and anxiety can also cause irritable bowel syndrome to occur. Your doctor should be able to diagnose either of these concerns and perhaps some sort of acid controller med may be all you need, if even that! In short anxiety can cause all of these symptoms, and once a doctor confirms there are no physical concerns then you can work to put the anxiety out of your head and move on, as with alot of us you most likely get the stomach pain from anxiety and then it causes anxiety, it is a never ending self feeding circle that you must stop. Talk to your doctor I'm sure they can sort this out! Best of luck to you!

12-09-2011, 08:59 AM
Yeah, I think CP1 has the right idea, get a proper check up (assuming you have access to the right healthcare), doesn't have to be major, some blood work, a check up by the doctor to assess any issues.More if you can afford/feel neccassary. Once that comes back clear you know 100% what you're dealing with then. Then it becomes a process of dismissing everything as anxiety. Any thought that comes into your head, label it as anxiety, and acknowledge it, any symptom any feeling. Recognize it all as the grand scale of anxiety. Recognize how it tricks you, and decieves you. It's suprising though how some small things can cause anxiety. I had reflux for a year and just dismissed it as a minor problem, after treating it, anxiety symptoms reduced 10 fold. I also had a slight allergy to a friends cat, no big deal I thought, until I realized an allergy can release histamine, which causes tiredness, releasing adrenaline. Stopping stroking the cat reduced anxiety symptoms a little too. So it's worth checking the small things out, with an open mind, just to see what lies down the path.

The cbt will help more too, with time and work it slowly starts to undo your negative thinking, and slowly allows new thinking to take it's place.

12-09-2011, 09:50 AM
hi, im the same! constantly worrying about health issues, i always think theres something wrong with me and dread the worst and pretty much live in fear, none of my friends and family are like it and they are supportive but if im honest i find it embaressing, im a 25 year old femal with a great life so why cant i just man up and stop worrying,panicky,feeling anxious over pretty much every thiing. iv also just started having cbt, i really hope it helps otherwise i dont no what else to turn to. im sure the cbt is desighned for people like us so hang in there


12-09-2011, 04:05 PM
Thank you folks for your kind replies. I will make an appointment on Monday. I would also like to advise never ever use the internet to diagnose yourself. Thanks again and i hope you feel better soon.