View Full Version : I think I'm depressed

12-08-2011, 10:13 AM
I'm 19 years old and live at home with my sister and parents and I'm also Agoraphobic which means i cannot live a 'normal' life. I am on medication and i just currently stopped my therapy due to my lack of motivation and interest... which is becoming a huge problem for me. I have no motivation whatsoever to do work to help my anxiety, i don't want to do anything anymore... i just want to sleep, eat and go on my laptop. I don't like spending time with other people and i want to be alone. However i do not feel suicidal or 'down'... i just don't feel anything? my parents are mad at me and think im being lazy because all i am doing is sleeping and staying in bed all day but i can't find the motivation or power to help myself... i read somewhere this is a symptom of depression and i feel as if i may be mildly depressed, but im scared to tell people in case i have to go back to therapy or if they don't believe me and think im using it as an excuse for my 'laziness' or am i just lazy? I have been suffering from anxiety from the age of 8 and it has ruled my life from then, i have had good years and bad years but at this moment in time i'm not doing too well... i haven't attended any social events in over a year and i do the same thing everyday, when i think of my memories when i was okay and i was able to do things i feel as if they arent mine? as if im in someone elses head because the past year all seems like a blur and one day to me... sorry if im ranting on but i just need some advice, i have never met another person who has suffered from anxiety or depression and i really dont know what to do

Tony Mathew
12-08-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi... As I seen and read, Congnitive Therapy is a way to train yourself to change the way you look at things when you feel upset. Mood modification is another way to think of it. Panic attacks are discrete periods of intense fear or discomfort that typically involve some of the following symptoms: shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness or unsteadiness, chest pain, trembling or shaking, sweating, feelings of unreality or detachment, tingling sensations, fears of dying, and fears of going crazy or losing control. I think it is bothering me so much because I am angry it came back! I am working through this again and trying to be patient - here is a website that has some free advice from a doctor - Blueeros. com - amazing advice and has helped me a lot.


12-08-2011, 01:55 PM
PMC, I think you may be depressed as well. I would be also if I had gone through what you have. You need to restart therapy. You need that help you get yourself in a better place. As the saying goes, "if you keep doing what you've done, you'll keep getting what you've gotten".

12-09-2011, 11:55 AM
You are anhedonic. That is, you are not feeling pleasure and have lost your motivation to feel pleasure. This is definitely a form of depression. You should get back to seeing your therapists. If you were not making progress with your therapist, find another one.

02-14-2012, 01:31 PM
anything that has to do with depression is something you should take very serious. it sounds that may be the case and i know that schools offer counseling and i would definitely inquire and there is nothing wrong in doing so. talk to your mom or friends who you( know) will be sensitive and understanding and will be able to help. we all go through depression episodes that is normal, however, when that occurs don't brush it away even if you don't think it severe, you can even go to the school nurse where he or she will direct you the proper help as well. possible things you may want to consider is joining a club or do teen volunteer. do as many things you enjoy. I understand things right now are rough, but know that there are people who are concern and care. BUT do take care of it. take care from someone who cares ;-)

03-22-2012, 04:06 AM
ever gone for long term treatment? Try it out. i hope it works