View Full Version : Help!!!!!

12-07-2011, 02:07 AM
Its been a while from iv last been on this so bare with me. Iv suffered from gad and panic attacks for the last 8yrs , but these past 2 weeks my anxiety is outta control (( Im 30 weeks pregnant cnt eat, sleep and everyday is such a struggle i dnt know wot to do? iv 2 young children and my anxiety is gettin in the way of me bein a normal mum takin them out! My partner is also findin it hard living wit me and my panics as all i seem to do is cry and feel sorry for myself. cud really use a chat wit some1 who understands thanx!

12-07-2011, 05:08 AM
Hi kev thanx for the reply sorry about the rant im living in hell at the moment cnt seem to focus on anything bar how im feeling!

Forrest Owl
12-07-2011, 06:47 AM
when you are pregnant everything is heightened and anxiety gets worse, try some pre natal yoga to help relax and try and get some more sleep, and maybe some soothing music