View Full Version : klonopin. how fast can you develop a dependency?

12-06-2011, 07:11 PM
Will I develop a dependency after taking klonopin for one week? It's 2 .5 mg pills a day (12 hours apart). I'm concerned because I've read it's so addictive.

12-07-2011, 02:31 PM
Homebird. For a week, no. Not unless you have an addictive personality which is very unlikely. That's not a large dose anyway. Now if the doc just throws and throws them at you and you took them for months and at higher doses, maybe. Many/most folks use them for anxiety and never develop a true dependency. Most of the paranoia came about as Dr. Heather Ashton of the UK decided that, since when benzos came out Drs. were told they were not addictive(like the dangerous barbiturates) and handed them out like candy there were problems down the road. Well over time folks did get addicted and Dr. Ashton decided she needed to "save the world" and make it her lives mission(she must feel the need to lecture people) and go on a crusade against these very useful(if used properly) drug. Yes, if you go on taking them for years at higher and higher dose as tolerance creeps up and have to go off them....hideous withdrawals like anything else. Docs in the UK have had the creepers scared into them but here in the US(thankfully) there is a little more of a practical yet duly cautious attitude towards them. Use them sparing and carefully, making sure the patient stays within their medical use and they're fine. I go months without valium but if work gets crazy and were having lots of stressful meetings I use some. If I travel by air or need a dental filling, I use some and my Dr. is fine with it. The goal is to use just enough only when you really need to. Am I happy I need to use it them?? Hell no. I used to be ashamed to tell a dentist I would be taking them until he said "OK, many folks do, know it or not" I got over it. It's a medicine I hope you need just for a while. Take care!:)

12-08-2011, 03:51 PM
Thank you for the response.

I'm only using them for a week, max. If you've read any of my previous posts, you know that I'm already on lexapro, but had a breakthrough panic attack that I can't seem to shake. The doctor is giving me klonopin for a week hoping it will give my mind/body a break and sort of "snap me out" of this attack, so I can go back to functioning on the lexapro.

So far I feel great. I welcome any relief from the panic attack, lol.

12-08-2011, 06:13 PM
Glad to hear it. The doc raised the lexapro dose, right. That should help.

12-09-2011, 12:11 PM
Nope, he didn't (which I disagreed with). He wants to see if this will work first. He thinks this panic attack was just a breakthrough thing, and if I can get over it I'll be able to function on the same dose of lexapro again.

We'll see.

12-09-2011, 04:43 PM
Well it's a good method the doc. is using, "one change at a time". Makes sense really.