View Full Version : Shoulder Blade Burning

12-06-2011, 03:29 PM
So I waited a couple weeks to see if it'd go away on it's own accord, but nope. I'm getting a weird mild burning sensation on my right shoulder blade area. It was isolated for a week or so & then it seemed to spread to my left shoulder blade. It's just enough irritating to where it's noticeable. There are no signs of redness or swelling or anything alarming at all for that matter. Feels like someone scratched my back really hard & then that sensation for like 20 sec after that of that mild burn.

Anyone ever experienced anything like this?

just curious...

12-06-2011, 03:46 PM
Maybe from sitting/standing in a different position/a long drive and a nerve gets a bit inflamed. It should pass.

12-07-2011, 06:53 AM
You're probably right, I do sit all day at my job. Just seems all this stuff is going on at once. For instance, my spleen area is sore like it's inflamed & the burning on my back all at once & I just got over a 10 day virus. Doctor said it was a muscle tear (spleen area) & should go away in a few weeks, but hasn't gotten any better. Feels like my body is breaking down. Could be my diet lately though, you just never know. Now that I'm in my 30's every little fluctuation away from normalcy has me wondering if I have a medical ailment lol.

12-07-2011, 08:25 AM
DJN, it does sound like you're anxious. You know there are million of things that go on in our bodies and 99.999999999999999999% of the time all goes well. Just normal functioning(little aches/twinges) and is amazing. What can happen is that we get too hypersensitive about all this. We mistake our bodies "going about it's business" for a POTENTIAL SERIOUS problem then start to worry, which can be a self perpetuating deal. Used to happen to me all the time. It's alllllllll related to anxiety. Once I got some treatment, read up of it all, etc, I chuckle at myself now. Always convincing myself there was a possible problem.LOL Once I saw I was anxious(in general) and my mind was using the body feelings/sensations to vent some anxiety(crude analogy) I started on the path of a less anxious life. Message me anytime.

12-07-2011, 12:35 PM
Thanks alan, fortunately I'm smart enough to realize all my "life threatening warning signs" are nothing but my mind. I talked to my doc about it, we tried the anti-depressant / IMO inhibator route, also saw a shrink for about 6 months. For me, it triggered when my first son was born, the feeling of not being invincible anymore. Always wondering if i'll get terminally ill & my children wont have a father, etc etc. Around the same time I got tinnitus (constant ringing in ears) & I thought that was my body giving me a sign that it was shutting down. I've since just learned to live w/the ringing, but it scared me at first. I think I'm better at handling it all now compared to when I used to wake up at 3am & look at my mouth w/a flashlight for oral cancer lol. I dont do that anymore. But I'm still anxious nonetheless. Can't stop thinking about my own mortality & same w/my kids & their safety. Always wondering if they are ok, wondering if my wife is going to get home safe w/them in the car w/out getting into a car accident. Worry about losing my job all the time (dont know why i've been here 5 yrs & it's great). Just used to be so confident & invincible til I had my 1st son. Wish things could go back to the way they were w/me, don't know if they ever will & hope I dont live with this worry all my life. It's giving me grey hairs & I'm 32 yrs old. Thanks for the feedback though, I appreciate it.

12-07-2011, 01:37 PM
DJN, sure. If a fair trial of ssri's didn't work/help much, ever thought about buspirone(buspar)? I take it you mean TCA's not maoi's(not used often anymore). Anyway buspar doesn't have the greatest record of the anti-anxiety meds but.........having not had success with a couple ssri's you might try it(talk to your dr. about it) as it's well tolerated, dirt cheap, no risk for dependence and you'll see if a few weeks whether it helps or not. Safe too it seems a bit of dizziness at first is the most common side effect. Just a thought(nothing to lose). Well in general it seems the later in life you get anxiety the better. Likely means your less predisposed to it than if it manifested itself allot earlier(that's a good sign for you:)). Mine reared it's ugly head when I was 18 but in hindsight it was showing little signs earlier(bit of a worry wort). It came up when I started college and the pdoc I saw(great fellow) said if often comes up at major changes in life and/or changes at work(and it can calm down too). Common sense if you think about it. 32 is indeed young to be worried about that stuff(I'm 48). Like me I bet you're healthy as a horse but just...........anxious and have to figure out your strategy for decreasing/managing your anxiety. I think each person has there own ultimate method. As for me I use an ssri(lexapro) every morning, a beta blocker for presentations(it get shaky/tics) and valium when I have to travel by air or get dental work done, etc. That's were I get real anxious and I know other folks with anxiety who don't get anxious in those spots, they get anxious in others or have a more Generalized Anxiety that just hangs with them. To help I recommend practicing progressive relaxation, deep breathing, aerobic exercise, good common sense diet, and reading good books on the subject. I'm not judging him but it seems like the pdoc would have helped you more(gotten better results) than it seems to have. But I know folks don't respond the same, he may have had allot of success with others, not so much with still others. Just for chuckles you could try a little antihistamine when you get anxious. Lots of folks don't know ssri's are related to them. Anyway they are sure safe and lots of folks use them to help them sleep(that's the acive ingredient in Unisom, etc). Message me anytime.