View Full Version : Has this ever happened to you?

12-05-2011, 04:27 PM
I have struggled with anxiety my entire life, but since being diagnosed with some food allergies, my life has taken a horrible turn. After changing my whole diet and eliminating all of those foods, I am still breaking out in rashes all over my body, but mostly my arms. I'm not eating anything that could cause this. Also, I get tingling all over my body, hot flashes, and slight throat swelling. Every doctor is attributing it to anxiety, but I've never had a rash that was consistent like this. Has this happened to anyone else?

12-05-2011, 08:03 PM
Well when I was a kid(maybe 10yrs/old) my Mom changed laundry detergent and it made me itch all over and was sure weird since I had no clue that was the cause. I thought it was me until we tracked it down. So could something like that be behind it? Change shampoos, body lotion, deodorant, etc? What about what you drink? Most somatic(physical)anxiety sensations are racing pulse, warm feelings from all the adrenaline, shaking, hyperventilation, detached feelings for the fluctuating blood gases from rapid/irregular breathing, muscle tension, etc, etc. Tingling/hot flashes, yes. Throat swelling, no. But the SENSATION of throat swelling, sure. Message me any time.