View Full Version : Premature Wrinkles and teeth grinding

12-01-2006, 02:23 PM
All my anxiety has aged me. I'm 21 1/2 and I look like I'm 30. I have thick worry lines and a big wrinkle between my eyes. Anyone else experience this?

I also grind my teeth so much I have to wear a guard. The dentist told me that I have ground my teeth down to flat surfaces and if this continues I'm going to have serious problems.

12-02-2006, 06:29 PM
aging may also be hereditary. but still, you can always try make yourself look better by doing some more exercise or using cream products which is common nowadays, just like a man piercing his ears.

maybe a change in routine and improving certain things can help you cope with the anxiety, and trying to distract yourself from grinding your teeth. i bite my lips(the inside) very often since i was 4 and dont know why, even my uncle and my grandmother do it at times...is hereditary and recently been trying to stop it and is hard since im so used to it eversince i can remember.

12-02-2006, 09:28 PM
when you look at yourself in the mirror....it is good to reflect that stress is not worth stressing your body out. I also grind my teeth and I have always bit my nails...all signs of anxiety. I have done this since I was little. My teeth are really level with eachother. I grind at night when I am asleep so it is not something I can control.
Excercise is the best medicine.

Good luck.