View Full Version : Help, any advice or encouragement

11-30-2006, 11:18 PM
Ok so I have been suffering from anxiety for a while now but only in the last year have been taking meds (Lorazepam) to help. Basically I need to vent a little here and I hope no one minds and if anyone can offer some advice I would love it.

So 2 years ago I got out of an unhealthy relationship and it was really than that the anxiety started to take over. I would think that most people would improve once they left a bad boyfriend but my anxiety and soical phobias seemed to get worse. After being put on Lorazepam I slowly got a little more control over myself but lately I find that I am again nervous and tense and it's starting to control my life. I know this isn't a relationship forum but the anxiety seems to have come along with the presence of the possibility of a new man in my life. He is kind and he's not the problem but my anxiety just keeps rearing it's ugly and inconvenient head. For the past week and a half I have been unable to eat and when I do I get so sick to my stomach and even if I don't eat my stomach is equally as bad.

Sometimes it is physically difficult for me to convince myself to leave the house and I don't want this to ruin my life anymore. The doctor said to try Lorazepam first and then if need be then Paxil. Has anyone here been on Paxil before and do they find that it helps with extreme anxiety, constant worrying and problems with leaving the house? Are there any side effects I should be wary of. I just don't know what to do and sometimes I feel I am at the end of my rope. I don't want to let this control my life anymore as I feel so much of it is passing me by but somehow the fear just has the power.

Sorry for that ranting people, just needed to get some stuff off my chest. Any advice would be great. Hope everyone out there is doing better than me! :)

12-01-2006, 05:14 PM
Continue to post here and talk to those who understand you.

Every day go for a walk and get some fresh air - this helps tremendously!

If you can, sign up for a yoga or medication class.....it's not as socially awkward since sometimes the lights are dim and everyone else has their eyes closed and no one is looking at you. THAT really really helps me stay focused.

Eat well, go to bed early....write in a journal.

I can only offer you what I go through and we all have different levels and degrees of anxiety....you have to find what works for you but even these things really help me function more normally.

Keep us posted ok?


12-02-2006, 10:42 AM
Thank you very much for the advice. Just knowing there are others out there dealing with the same stuff, helps tremendously. Guess I was having a particularily bad day the other night. Letting the stress get to me. Happy to say I went out with again with Mr. Nice and only needed one Lorazepam to cut the edge. Managed to go all night distracted by laughs and good times. Thanks for the advice again MrsSandraD. Most likely I'll be back another day for some more Right now I'm feeling a little better and even managed to eat something today, today is a good day, gonna hold onto that!

12-02-2006, 06:22 PM
I would recommend medication since it works for me. getting some sort of inspiration like music/religion helps too. being physically active or just go out and try getting used to see people here and there.

every litle thing takes time and sometimes one tends to get discouraged, and is alright as long as you keep the main goal focused!