View Full Version : I need some help

12-01-2011, 09:23 PM
Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Im a 23 year old nursing student. I have a stable life and a wonderful partner. I have loving friends and family as well. Sounds like the perfect life right?

Over the last 4 or 5 months I have what I have feel is severe anxiety. I'm constantly feeling like Im dying. When I lay down at night, I will start to shake and my breath will quicken. I will get extremely warm. I just keep thinking something is wrong and im going to die! Then when I wake up and through out my day I cannot sit still! This was happening about once every 2 months but now it has increased to about once a week.

Today, I feel like Im dreaming. Like im not really here. I feel weak and all I want to do is lay down because Im so afraid my body is just dying.

Is this just anxiety or could there be something else wrong?

I was at the hospital a little over a month ago for some stomach issues because I thought I had a blockage in my intestine. X-rays showed no blockage. Nothing medically wrong I suppose.

Thank you for your help. I'm in desprite need.

12-01-2011, 11:14 PM
have you tried speaking to a therapist?

jon mike
12-02-2011, 02:36 AM
Hi, sounds to me like just another anxiety circle, a circle that needs breaking . Its easier than you think to stop this too, i would buy any book on cbt i can get my hands on and when you're able to sit still. Maybe in bed or the bath i used to find. Read it! Accepting it all Will wash it away in no time, its always the same way. Good luck an feel free to message me x

12-02-2011, 06:39 PM
I dont have health insurance until january. Im going to my doctor on monday to discuss my symptoms and pay 65 dollars for a office vist ugh. Hope it goes well and thanks for your help!

12-02-2011, 06:58 PM
Forwells posted on another previous post some free CBT workbooks you can download and work through at your own pace, and they have several diferent ones available, maybe you could try these in the meantime.
here is the link:

12-02-2011, 07:43 PM
Those seem like anxiety symptoms for sure. For 3 months last year I went through the same things and basically stopped me from living my life. The worst was that dreaming feeling you are talking about. Mine was just the feeling that everything was slightly "off." No better way to explain it, but that made me think about it constantly. Also, every night I was convinced that I wasn't going to wake up the following morning. I was put on Clonazepam (kolonapin) and it does what you need it to as far as taking away panic, but I don't enjoy being on medication so I got myself off it after a few months. Basically what works for me and I would suggest trying is 1) stay hydrated (huge for me) 2) meditate and 3) try falling to to sleep with the tv on. I don't know why 1 and 3 work so well for me, but I have my life back completely and even though I still have anxiety and the occasional panic attack I have control over it when it happens. Just know that it won't always be like this, because I thought it would when I was at my worst. Take care and I hope everything gets better soon!

12-02-2011, 09:03 PM
I've been dealing with the same issues for the past 7 years. I've learned a few things from my own research and by talking to doctors. My doctor told me that basically anxiety is built up excess energy in the body so exercising is a way to expell it from your system. I work out 7 days a week for a least an hour a day and do not have panic/anxiety attacks anymore. And mine used to be really bad. I would drive myself to the emergency room on a weekly basis. I don't think it is healthy to medicate the symptoms away. Try the exercise route, avoid caffeine and alcohol and you should see a huge difference.

I also learned that anxiety lies dormant in all of us and it takes some sort of traumatic event to bring it to the surface. Did anything happen to cause this sudden anxiety?

12-02-2011, 11:24 PM
Thank you for the advice everyone! Christy to answer your question. No, nothing traumatic so I know its not post traumatic stress but It had to deal with my partner. Thinking he was cheating on me and constantly thinking about only that. I do remember one night we got into a fight at a bar. I asked him to come home and he wouldnt. I remember going home and having my first real panic attack. Heart racing, sweating, hard to breathe. Today has been difficult. I almost have a hard time believing this day has actually happened? Like it went by in about 5 minutes? Is this normal? Its funny because I know this has to be what I have but I keep thinking that it cant be a simple as just anxiety and there has to be something else medically wrong.

12-02-2011, 11:36 PM
That's the awful thing about anxiety, you know anxiety must be what you have, yet you have a hard time believing that's all it is.....I'm right there with ya....

12-03-2011, 04:47 AM
Hi, sounds to me like just another anxiety circle, a circle that needs breaking . Its easier than you think to stop this too

So true! That's what this probably is.

Just get the full on checkup so you can rule out anything. But we all here have had major panic attacks many times and have all thought we were dying.

I kept telling the doctor, "No, you don't understand! I am telling you that I have a disease! I have something you have not yet found! Please help me!"

"I didn't cause my heart to beat 162 beats per minute. My heart is doing it on it's own. My heart needs help! I have a real problem, not just anxiety!"

Now, I don't get panic attacks, I have no major anxiety, and funny, that my heart doesn't beat fast anymore like it did, and all my symptoms went away. I no longer feel myself going crazy. I no longer am scared of showers. I go out in public and don't crave a safe place or person. So was it some crazy exotic disease I had? You'll find the symptoms fade as the anxiety fades.