View Full Version : Marijuana Triggered Anxiety Problem!

12-01-2011, 05:18 PM
Hi, just signed up for this forum, hoping to get some uplifting insight :) Well, let's start from the begginning. A month and a half ago, i smoked weed for the first, and fortunetely last, time. Ever since, I haven't felt the same. It's like I constantly have this confusion and brain fog. I believe I have Severe Anxiety. But I also have a deep seeded fear that I'm developing Schitzofrenia or Manic Depression because my mom had those? The thought of this makes me queasy. I've seen a physcatrist and he says I show no symptoms of either, but obviously, he doesn't know how I truly feel. It's just this weird mental feeling where I question every action I make and I feel so awkward. I just want to be myself again! I'm going on a SSRI tomorrow prescribed by my doctor. Do you guys think this will help? I'm 18 years old and I'm an avid runner. Some other side notes, in the past I have been diagnosed with hyperthyroid & I have suffered night terrors for a few years. I don't know what role these play in my current state but I just really need some intelligent, logical feedback. If you guys decide to take the time and read this & help me out, then thank you sooooo much :) I'm hopinng praying that this is just a weird phase and will eventually go away. Have an amazing night everybody!

12-01-2011, 05:35 PM
i had a bad exsperiance from weed to be honest and also a drug called speed wich made my life hell , it was a one night only and never again, unfortunalty not everyone copes with drugs very well.. i mean some people can take them everyday and be fine, some can take them now and again and be fine, and then *we* think *oh stuff it it wont harm just doin it for one night have a laugh ect* then bammm!! its triggerd something ure body clearly dosnt like and now ure over thinking it!! im only 20 and ive had anxiety since i was 18 from that one night i took drugs and its practically messed my life up, i get bad chest pains,heart pulpitations,real bad headaches,deppressed alot and feeling like im going crazy when im not.. its horrible i know but you need to keep at it and carry on doing some councelling ect, im not sure if this has helped as i know there are people on here with more knoloage than me lol.... sorry about the spelling too im terible :) xx

12-01-2011, 06:14 PM
Marijuana relaxes some people and for others it brings on a massive panic attack big time! This is well known. But don't worry, the drug's affects are not permanent. You just got a little too baked for your liking. It's just weed.

12-02-2011, 09:07 AM
First of all, I'm not a doctor and I might be completely wrong.

Since you have a genetic predisposition to anxiety and depression, it's possible that the emotions brought with taking marijuana for the first time triggered some disorder that was already lurking around in you. You probably were very excited/nervous about taking weed for the first time, then fell into some feedback circle of worrying about taking it (i.e. you worry a bit, then you feel really anxious, and you worry more about feeling anxious, so you're more anxious, repeat).

If you're worried about schizophrenia and manic depression, see your psychiatrist on regular intervals (every week or two). It sounds like you're worried about losing control. The feeling of not knowing what will happen in the future is a strong cause of anxiety... you could argue it's the only cause of anxiety. Worrying that you're going to lose your mind would cause anyone to feel angst. You have to keep telling yourself you're fine, and you've enabled certain controls to make sure you'll be OK if somehow something does go wrong (which it won't). Having that feeling will cause you to feel more secure, which will cause less of a mood of worrying.