View Full Version : Tired of feeling this way

12-01-2011, 05:08 PM
I'm so tired of feeling this way. I recently moved out of my parents home after living with them all my life, my dad passed away July, 2010 and I was asked to move out-I moved out not by choice to a home with a roommate. I hardly ever see the roommate. Ever since I was told to move out I've been overcome with anxiety about my future, basicaly being alone (I have no one except my mom-sisters don't really communicate with me). I have good days (I think mostly M-F when I work, am a teacher). Today I was driving home and saw a plane in the sky and thought I really wish I was on that plane and could crash it and be with dad. Not a good thought I know. Seen a counselor but she only was a "talk" doctor and didn't help much. I'm so tired of feeling this way-like I"ve lost my whole life. Last week was great because of the holiday but this week not good because I feel so down. I'm also going through some financial problems, so all in al I'm feeling very stressed and anxious. I also seem to cry alot now which I never did. I also really don't have any friends, I mean NO friends to speak of. So any advice, would really appreciate any help as I want to be happy again!! Thanks.

12-01-2011, 09:39 PM
Well, I'm not really in a position to give you advice because I have extreme panic disorder. However, I would suggest maybe trying to get together with your family more. Even if its just for lunch or coffee. I've never lost a close family member other than my grandfather. I was 3 so a little too young to remember. You have friends here. At least that's what I've been getting from reading everyone else's post.

12-02-2011, 04:50 PM
Thanks for your reply. Sorry you are having problems too. I don't have panic attacks with this just severe anxiety. Still not feeling happy today...just wondering if I ever will!! I think it's just anxiety of what's going to happen next!! I really do love my job and I think that's the only time when I'm sort of happy.. Seem to do better with things to do and keep busy. As for the family thing I only have my mom here in tow with me. My sister and I had a big falling out last year and don't speak anymore... Moms kinda of the go between there. I just feel sad all the time and I know things could be much worse just can't see the good right now. I also have no kids and never married so nothing there!! Anyway thanks for listening!!

12-02-2011, 10:37 PM
I am the same way and actually I am a teacher too (
Well substitute right now, actively seeking my own classroom) and I feel the exact same way...only feel ok when I am teaching. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks but don't have either when I am in the classroom....actuated that is one of the only places/times I don't have attacks or anxiety symptoms. Also if I am distracted I don't have any problems either, such as out shopping. If I am just sitting around my mind begin.s to wander....even if it subconsciously and I start to panic and have anxiety. It's rough, but finally someone who I can 100% relate to. I have no kids either and never married either....I do have a good bf who is very supportive and a few close friends for a support system and my mother too, however I too am limited with who I can turn to. But here we all understand each other and can help each other, even if its just listening or letting others know they are not alone.