View Full Version : Tiredness?

11-30-2011, 02:25 PM
okay i am extremely aggravated. I have had anxiety for almost 3 years now and the last 3 days have been hell for me. I was fine for the last two week. My fiance just started a new job which is great and even though i am having to drive myself everywhere now, i have been okay. I started monday having the faint sensations. I am usually mildly unbalanced but for some reason here lately its way worse. I have been getting tired spells alot too and just dont want to do ANYTHING. which is impossible with two kids. i was just wondering if anyone else had these extreme tired senstions. I just found out today that we will be moving this weekend and i am dreading it...some one please shed some light.


11-30-2011, 03:03 PM
From what I'm aware this usually comes down to two major culprits.

Bad sleep - Broken sleep, nightmares, tensing up in sleep, jaw clenching, sleep apnoea or just generally not sleeping. It's amazing how small changes in sleep can benefit people so much. I used to take an AD, it gave me crippling fatigue. I mean, I was so tired if I done a single press up, I was in bed for the rest of the day. ONE FREAKING PRESS UP. I got nicknamed the old man, it was a horrible time. I went to try to get off the AD, but couldn't get an appointment with my doctor. On the way home, I bought was of those malted sleep drinks, and a new pillow. I don't know why,coincidence. I also did a series of tensing my muscles and relaxing them (prog muscle relaxation) before bed. My energy levels changed over night, I was suddenly walking everywhere, jogging, no more fatigue, I would lift my nephew and swing him around for hours (don't call childline, he loves it lol). The change was truly remarkable. I also downloaded one of those apps on my phone, and found I was waking about 40 times in the night. Relaxing thoroughly before bed, and the odd supplement helped my sleep immensley. My body stopped pumping the extra adrenaline, as I wasn't tired, and my mood improved.

Second is breathig, how's your breathing? Breath out gently.... Hold it.... When you feel a very slight need to breath in (maybe a twitch) breath in again... your breathing should have kept regularity. Time the pause, how long was it... 5 seconds? 10 seconds?It should be a comfortable pause in breath. Breathing pauses of around 25 seconds+ is needed to feel more normal. Don't be worried if it's not, there are many strategies and breathing methods to help. This was from The Buteyko method. Recommenced to me, by PC, a very good book. If you're hyperventilating without knowing, it's like you're sprinting on the treadill, whilst doing nothing. You'll get pretty darn exhausted.

I feel those are the main two issues that really seem so simple and get over looked. Anxiety can make you feel pretty tired. If you drink coffee when tired, this can cause head rush symptoms, as the adrenaline changes at some unusual rates. Do you eat enough too? It's really easy to get low on Iron, and calcium (which is essential for over coming anxiety). I got these for about 4 months, and the steps above combined mean I really don't get any fatigue at all now. I hope you find some relief.

Good luck with the move!!