View Full Version : hi guys , can anyone relate to this??

11-29-2011, 09:06 PM
hey guys , im not going to go through my story again but you can take a look on my profile if you like and look at my started threads :)..

atm ive been getin really bad ears. like my hearing goes faint but comes back , and whistling all the time , also really bad pins and needles,, only had to lift my leg sometimes and i get them, and if im brushing my hair or got my hand up for something it aches really bad ... im crying alot atm aswell just because im on my own i think..

major thing aswell is paranoia!!!! i get paranoid being in the house alone and especially at night :( i think this is why i dont seep till 4-5 am every day..get disturbing images in my head alot when paranoid of like someone being in my house when there isnt :(
paranoid a burglar goin to come into my house or sumthin... i have to just stay away till i litrally cant keep my eyes open anymore,,????

i dont take medication... dose anyone have any advice for good herbal stuff? im taking st-johns wart atm..

any advice would be good..

im female live in shropshire (england) and im 20.