View Full Version : Muscle Spasms/Twitching

11-30-2006, 07:50 PM
Hello- i'm a 21 yr old female- and i've been dealing with my anxiety for a couple years now. I realize that everything that i worry about or that bothers me manifests itself physically in my body. Whenever something is wrong with me I immediately go online and type in my symptoms and think that I of course have whatever life-threatening illness I read about. I am really trying to take hold of my anxiety and not let it control my life anymore. Recently I have been having muscle spasms and twitching all over my body. Mostly in my calves and arms, but also my chest, stomach, and face. I was wondering if this could be a result from my anxiety and stress. It seems to only happen when I am sitting still or laying down because then I start thinking about it. I am just really glad I found this site because it will really help to have people to talk with about what's going on inside. :)
Thanks for the help

12-02-2006, 05:25 PM
I went through the same thing and still do but not that often anymore

I used to get twiches in my neck and shaking in my arms and legs whenever i was in a social gathering or at a classroom. when i got distracted it stopped then i would notice the change and think about it, and once i thought about it the twiches came back!

but i guess it all seems as though is a state of mind. From what you wrote and my personal experience i would say it can be both.

I always write this but I used to mediate on my tae-kwon-do classes and it help! just sitting in the floor with my legs folded listening to relaxing music and try to clear my thoughts out...though sometimes i thought about it along with embarrasing moments because of it and i would became very stressed out. but once you try and think about the good and positive sides of think, you kind of become more relaxed.

and if you're new, welcome!

12-07-2006, 03:54 AM
I've had the the same twitches you mention.

I only ever noticed them when I was sitting still, watching tv or on the computer. When I was busy they didn't happen.

Along with all the other scary symptoms I was getting they scared the life out of me.

I'm also prone to going online to read about symptoms and it's the worst thing you can do. I was actually told by a nurse not to go online to read about things (she didn't even know I had at that point) as within a few days you'll have whatever symptoms you've read about. They see it all the time apparently. Stay on sites like this!

Back to the twitches, you'll be glad to know that as you stop worrying about them they go away, at least they have for me.

My doctor told me they are the product of an overactive nervous system, sensitised by all the adrenaline you're creating through stress.

You know, I read something the other day that the point a nervous breakdown typically occurs is when the sufferer of stress starts to worry about the symptoms of their stress. This starts a viscous circle of worry creating symptoms feeding more worry and so on. You find yourself in a situation where you don't need any external influence to get stressed cause now you can do it to yourself! Great huh?

See a doctor by all means but beleive them when they tell you it's stress and anxiety.