View Full Version : Worried That I Have a Brain Tumour...

11-29-2011, 11:29 AM

I have been suffering with a cold for a couple of weeks, and on Friday I started getting a sore neck.
I felt it and it felt like there was a lump in the left side of my neck.
from saturday it started aching like crazy.
I went to the doctors yesterday and she said i had swelling and she thought it was an infection and gave me tablets.
I have come home tonight and i feel really sick, my neck is hurting and i just feel generally unwell and worried.
I have look at symptoms of a brain tumour and i have got a lot of the symptoms, eg memory loss, soreness, headaches, neck pain.

I am worried sick that i have a brain tumour and my mum and dad keep telling me not to be silly, but i cant help thinking that i am going to die. Please help me and give me some advice if you have had any of these symptoms etc.

I feel like i am going mad and dying =(

11-29-2011, 02:24 PM
Memory loss, soreness, neck pain and headaches, along with feeling unwell are not only symptoms of stress and anxiety, but more importantly symptoms of infection.

It sounds very much like your body is very over worked, and in need of not only a rest, but the right care, such as anti-biotics. My sister has the same thing at the moment, and is taking antibiotics for it. It made her feel quite rough, and slightly zombie-ish for a few days. I guess thats why it's called sickness, if it felt nice they'd call it health :)

My advice gemma, DON'T USE THE SYMPTOMS CHECKERS!! :).... You know what the symptoms for EVERY DISEASE are? Headaches, fatigue, feeling unwell etc... You know what the symptoms for having a bad nights sleep are? Headaches, fatigue, feeling unwell!... Everybody could theoretically diagnose themselves with anything. I know it's tempting to look, and when theres fear you want to ease it, but it doesn't work that way, ask any anxiety recoverer. By all means have blood work done to check your in good health when diagnosed with anxiety, but then after that it has to be let go. I don't think anxiety can ever end while symptom checkers are being used. You did the right thing, something was wrong, you saw your doctor. Trust their treatment, and if it doesn't work, then look to other means, e.g. a specialist, or another doctor. Do it for me, ok? go for 4 months without using symptom checker. Under no circumstance! You can even PM me and tell me what a jerk I am, and how this doesn't mean anything, but whatever you do, don't check them! :) Use your GP if needed.

On a side note, you may want to get some natural yoghurt, it's only about a £1 from any supermarket. It helps your body keep it's natural good bacteria while on antibiotics.

Be well Gemma!