View Full Version : Would love some insight on my case

11-29-2011, 03:38 AM
Hi guys, this is my story:

I'm 25, male.

Some 3 or 4 years ago, I went from a guy that was abnormally anxious on some occasions (social occasions etc) to someone that is always anxious. It started, as I stated, some 4 years ago and has persisted through all this time. I have a constant feeling of chest compression that never goes away. I used to be able to sleep as a rock for 12 hours straight if I wanted to, and now i can fall asleep easily but will wake up 5 or 6 hours later.
I am unsure of what started this, but I think it was between a breakup that affected me a lot, and the ending of my studies.
I am now sick of this feeling, sick of not sleeping, and sick of everything. Intense exercise has not helped, I still feel anxious and cant sleep in long 1 month vacations when I have nothing to worry about. I had nothing to worry about at the faculty, or with anything whatsoever, but the anxiety persists always.
I started taking trazadone to sleep at night as advised by my doctor, it does make me sleep for 8 hours, but i don't feel rested at all.
Besides needing some insight, I wanted to know if anyone has been successful recovering from a state like this, and if yes, what did you do. Did the medication help? Or does it only work if you take it for your whole life?

Thanks in advance for the help.

11-29-2011, 03:57 AM
I'm fairly new to this, but I also had trouble sleeping and would often wake up 3 or 4 hours later in a panic. I sometimes take dramamine to help me sleep- it makes you drowsy, so the next day I would feel like I actually got some sleep. Have you ever seen a therapist? I've started seeing one, and while I haven't gotten much better (apparently, this is a long process) I feel better knowing there is someone I can talk to...
Good luck!

11-29-2011, 04:04 AM
I am in the way of making an appointment with a psychiatrist, but am afraid he might just fill me with drugs that might help with the symptoms, but not cure the problem. Therapy is so unregulated in this country that I dont think its that easy to find a good one, but will talk about it with the doctor.

11-30-2011, 06:50 AM
I haven't been to psychiatrist, I've opted to see a psychologist, for the reason you stated... maybe look into that as well? One doesn't have to come instead of the other...