View Full Version : blue hands still scaring me to death cant get past this one!

11-28-2011, 12:20 AM
Ok please reply... Anyone with an opinion. The veins in my wrist get big sometimes and it scares me but the worst is when i can see the veins in the palms of my hands its really freaking me out! like little dark blue lines in my palms! I cant remember them being there before the anxiety hit so my husband says i just notice things i didnt before. But my wrist hurt quite often so im always looking at my hands. Ive googled it and get circulation issues or worse as a result. But on the anxiety forum i was told it can be normal when stressed but i dont feel stressed i actually feel like my anxiety has improved greatly anyone else experience this anyone please help!

11-28-2011, 02:54 PM
I have bright blue veins all over my body that seemed to be "showing up more and more" once I started focusing on them. I asked several doctors if this was normal and they, along with my boyfriend, friends, and family assured me it was normal. I have always had visible veins but they are mire visible in other places now. Also when I get really hot or after a hot shower/bath they r even more noticeable which freaks me our worse. Sometimes my wrists will hurt too and I swear its my veins hurting even though its not. I Googled my symptoms too which did nothing to help me, only made me worse. This also happened around the time that I had cut back majorly on my drinking so I convinced myself that my skin was slowly turning blue due to alcohol withdrawls. Luckily I realized this isn't the case. But basically like the other post said, Google is the devil. I am trying to stay away from it too and not Google my symptoms anymore so I know, it is hard to stop!

I never knew anyone else freaked out over their veins, glad i am not alone.

11-29-2011, 11:46 AM
I have learned first hand that when you have anxiety or panic googling your problems isn't a good idea. The only things on google related to health are the worst case scenarios. You see this horrible disease and you have every symptom for it, then you start to panic. I myself have to stop googling, I just work myself up constantly. But, looking at my hands i have big veins all over too. If I stare hard enough the palm almost becomes blue. You're just worried. Take a deep breath and relax.

11-30-2011, 12:40 AM
thank you all for your help im no longer concerned about this issue at all and i refuse to google again i forget thats how i got here in the first place thank you!