View Full Version : New in this forum: Suffering from General Anxiety and Panic!

11-27-2011, 11:55 AM
Hey everyone!

I'm new in this forum but not new to the wonderful world of stress, anxiety and panic :)

I've suffered from general anxiety and agoraphobia for almost ten years now. When I found out what the problem was, I started to overcome the problem little by little and anxiety was just bearable most of the time. I guess that would be the reason I never made an extreme effort to get rid of my anxiety; I could live with it most of the time.

So 10 years later... Here I am. I just got a job in a very important company. This is probably the best opportunity in my career, and guess what? Yeah! Anxiety came back to kick me in the ****! And very badly...

I'm working on my anxiety... I found some self help books to be very helpful.

The situation that is killing me is working under pressure. In this company things have to be done fast and on the same day. That puts a lot of pressure on me. I know I have the knowledge and skills to get the job done, but I get really really anxious working under pressure. I have a fear of not being able to take it and having to walk out or invent some excuse to leave the office. I've been trying to work through stress for three weeks, but after this time it really made me come to a very very intense state of anxiety and panic now. It's coming to a point where I've been thinking about quiting the job... But if I do, it will not solve my anxiety problem and it might just come up again in any other job.

I intent to work on some relaxation exercises + positive self talk to try and solve this problem. I would really appreciate any help or advise from people with the same problems. I'm positive I can solve it.

Many thanks.

11-27-2011, 12:27 PM
Have you tried yoga? I work also in a high pressure job and started yoga as it helps me tremendously with my anxiety..

11-27-2011, 02:08 PM
Thanks Lisaren, It's something I was thinking of trying... I also been looking into several meditation techniques :)