View Full Version : Having A Bad Day

11-30-2006, 10:11 AM
Hi Everyone - I'm reaching out as I feel so alone and desperate. I'm married with a 16 month old. I have GAD and have had it all my life (my whole family has it but no one admits it or has received any treatment). I keep trying to fight it. I'm working on my Psychology degree and am only 6 courses away from graduation. I try to push my anxiety away and pretend it does not exist. I have to start facing reality. I'm pushing away my husband and I cannot cope. I don't know where to turn. I feel so alone. I feel empty. Life is not a good place right now. I'm not suicidal. I don't even have the guts to even consider that. I have alot of negative thoughts....unwelcome ones. Nasty ones. I'm constantly trying to push them away. I called my doctor this morning to try and talk to her. She's out until Monday. I don't know if I can keep my sanity until then. My husband does not understand. I just need to reach out. Sandy

12-02-2006, 09:47 PM
You're not alone. Be assured of that.

One observation: Pushing away unwanted thoughts and feelings is counterproductive. It only gives them more power. It's like a swimmer caught in a riptide -- fighting only makes it worse.

For me (and many others), it's more helpful to say, "OK, I'm anxious. I'll just have to ride it out and be uncomfortable for a while. I'll feel better later. After all, it's just anxiety."

12-03-2006, 07:59 AM
MrsSandraD...Im in the same boat ! I'm climbing the walls, anxiety is a real pain in the ass...im having intrusive / disturbing thoughts but i know its not me its my illness. (although it dosnt make them any bearable! ) but hang in there they will reside. And heres a big *HUG* from someone else whos in the fight ! :roll: GOOD LUCK..