View Full Version : im sure everyone remembers me

11-23-2011, 07:53 PM
im 29 you can search my old posts
i was diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks after i got dizzy one night
was started on zoloft and hated it then was given celaxa and refused to take it
my blood work showd my white blood high but my dr never checked me for infection..
i moved from illinois to tennessee and was very dizzy and scared i was having an attack
went to ER in tennessee they said i had vertigo not anxiety .
my family dr never checked my ears both were clogged with fluid causing my issues
my new family DR says
could that really cause my dizzyness numb head and head pain she says yes what all do you think..
i still take ativan if i need it cause i do panic with the vertigo
you guys think this could have been it all along and i worried myself to death

11-24-2011, 10:33 AM
anyone no comments