View Full Version : Oh my god!

11-23-2011, 01:19 AM
First of all i want to salute all the members of this great forum ...u are all wonderfull.
my name is Bogdan and i suffer from general anxiety but i do not know if that is exactly what i have.i want to tell u my story in hope u can give me some hints before i commit suicide(i cannot take it anymore)

i am 28 years old (MAN) married..i was a fat emotional child raised by my mother alone with problems of low self esteem and low confidence always..

but what i suffer now is greater than that..so i left home to go to pharamacy university after 3 years of staying in the same house with my wife..in these 3 years i didn't experience anxiety only depression and obsession that she will leave me for someone else (not true though) also obsessive thoughts and hypersexually aroused..

now when i left her she didn't want to come with me so i left alone at first confident but after 2 weekd the anxiety started...i have no apetitei am always aroused and want to masturbate on my wife's video(obsession),also obssessive thoughts like she is not loving me she is not interest with me ignoring me cheating me etc so i sry like a baby when this thoughts come in my head..

i am always depressed and feeel lonely with low confidence and low selfesteem(i think i am the ugliest man in the world and she is the preetiest) i have cold hands and feets i shake when i am thinking that she is alone and cheating me so all my anxiety is related to this wife of mine and the obsessive thoughts also the sexual arousal but only for her,if i try to get sexually with another girl is not working.

i cry as i write to you and shake and i am desperate.i also weight train and some aerobic..the morning are so difficult because in the morning i feel the most anxious and the worse feelings ever lonelyness dispair want to cry nobody loves me(and is all related to feelings of love)

so it's curious that when i was with her i didn't experiece these feeleing but i experience feelings of angry depression want to leave her because i thought that she is not loving me but when i told her that we should brake up she cries and she says i am crazy because she loves me...

i went to a psichiatrist he gave me venlafaxinum and it didn't work for me...
also i have bad sleep 4 hours max and i think i have a low calorie diet because i am not hungry at all...

and the worse part is this sexual arousal i have for her and want to masturbate to feel better on her videos(very weird))

i want to say that these feeling i had in the past with other girls that i stayd with...(sorry about grammar i am romanian)


11-26-2011, 08:52 PM
aww im so sorry to hear your story :( but i have a similar experience with my boyfriend. I have been with him over 4 years now and i still believe he is cheating on me! He goes down to the city everyday for school and i always think he is talking to other girls and cheating on me:( the other day i was crying hysterically all day until he called me and told me what are you talking about?!?!!? I was like i thought we were done!! its the worst feeling in the world:( your wife loves you so much i bet!!!!
good luck with everything and if you find a way to help it tell me about it! !!