View Full Version : Sink or Swim?

11-22-2011, 02:54 AM
I have suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life.
I have periods of good and bad.
Each time it is bad though, it feels worse than the last time.
At the moment, I am feeling the worse I have ever felt.
I get tired of having to fight it and drag myself through the whole get myself better again.
Sink or swim?
I am soo tired of it, to the point I can not be bothered even to write this, but I deep down I have too....
I feel scared and lonely.
I am pushing my family and relationships to the max.

11-22-2011, 10:40 AM
I'm so sorry that you feel this way. Please listen to me when I say you can escape it.

You have anxiety and depression. You can beat them. You've identified your problems; now all you need to do is enact solutions. If you haven't gone to a doctor, for God's sake, please do it. Just tell him your issues and he'll start you off with an anti-depressant and hopefully refer you to a therapist. Those will improve your life so, so much. You can't be weak-willed and succumb to depression; you must fight it with everything you have. After you're on antidepressants and talking with a therapist, think of ways to improve your life. It almost seems certain that you're having issues socially. Do some things with your community to touch other people. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. It's easy; just google it and sign up for a time to help out. Get in touch with old friends. If only 1/10 people respond to a "hey i haven't talked to you in a while!" text, so what? That's one more person you're hanging out with.

I'm telling you, things can get better. You're the only person that can make it happen though.

11-22-2011, 04:54 PM
Put all your efforts into getting past this and eventually you will just like I did.