11-21-2011, 01:59 PM
I am new to the forum. I have been having anxiety attacks for about a month and they are the scariest thing i have ever experienced. I cant believe i have all these symptoms and there is nothing really wrong.Not sure what exactly made them start i lost a friend and i was sick with a sinus infection and kidney infection all at the same time. I also recently moved with my new husband to live with his family that i had never met during our 8 yr relationship i gave up a job i loved and moved away from my family . I am in a gloomy state he is always working I have no friends my two kids from a previous relationship are what keep me going. I am going to see a therapist today and i am excited to finally have someone to talk to that wont view me as being weak due to this set back. I am learning alot from this forum and i am soooo glad I FOUND IT