View Full Version : please please please ease my mind

11-20-2011, 11:10 PM
ok so my latest symptom well i hope its anxiety related and since im really trying not to run to the doctor for everything anymore i thought id get on here and ask some of you anxiety experts if this is normal. My wrist hurt all the time and sometimes my elbows and forearms do also and the veins in my hands and arms get really big and make me look blue sometimes is this anxiety related or do i have something else wrong like i fear? im really scared all the time of having an illness and ive done so good no panic for like a month but then this started so back to square one someone please reply back and ease my mind

11-20-2011, 11:26 PM
First, I'm no doc. I will say though that I have had these same things go on, even tonight for that matter. I get it in my feet, hands, arms, and even the veins of my forehead. Have you been to a doc and been checked out? I spent so much time at numerous doctors, having all of them tell me that I am ok, and that I'm just dealing with anxiety. It helped somewhat, but i've become a hypochondriac whenever I get a new symptom. I suggest you see a doc if you haven't already. If you have and they tell you that you're ok, then let that be a piece of mind. I've met a few people who also get these symptoms, and that helped me to get over the panic I have when symptoms come on.