View Full Version : Mad, mad, mad!

11-20-2011, 01:11 PM
I finally found a place here where I feel I can get some darn support! I feel like this anxiety is a constant battle 24/7 and I'm the lone soldier.
For the past 8-10 years, I have done really well on Imipramine and Ativan as needed. It was to the point I rarely needed the Ativan and I usually carried one just in case. Slowly, I got worse and worse over the past year and had to take Ativan twice a day to cope. After doing this for a couple of months, I noticed the Ativan stopped working. Last week my doc and I decided to switch to 1mg of Xanax twice a day and wean off of the Imipramine slowly so I could try a new anti-depressant. Of course I was scared to death to switch to Xanax even though I have used it before and it worked. I made it through the first couple of nervous days before I convinced myself Xanax was fine and I would be okay. However, I am still jittery as I begin the long journey of weaning of the one antidepressant to start another. I know the next couple of months are going to be hell. Not because of withdrawals but because there will be a gap when one antidepressant is leaving and the new one hasn't built up in my system.
Anyway, my husband is not very supportive. Today he decides to let this neighborhood kid come hang out at our house while I'm trying to deal with this recent anxiety change. I already have four kids that I am with all week long while trying to maintain control that I don't feel like adding to the mix right now. This kid is ALWAYS over here for hours at a time while his parents run off to do who knows what. This weekend I planned on trying to relax and rest after processing everything that has happened recently. I do believe stress is what has made me regress. My dad has terminal cancer. My husband isn't very understanding and I feel like 100% of my energy is spent trying to keep myself from losing it.
I don't know. I guess I came to vent, take a load off and be around people that do know what I am feeling.
Thank you!

11-20-2011, 02:07 PM
Keep venting if it helps. My husband tries to understand but im not good at communicating how im feeling and i just expect him to know!!! Have you tried writing a diary this really helped me get my feelings out, at the end of each day just write down your day and your feelings and i put at the bottom of each day good day or bad day so i can flick back through to compare monthly cycles. Relaxation tapes/cds can help esp last thing at night.

11-21-2011, 07:58 PM
Hi BL. I agree with kellyzac that you should keep venting if it helps. For what it's worth, people like me are still reading and trying to give feedback.

I don't understand the situation with your husband and a neighborhood kid. Is this kid a friend of your children? It seems to me like he's trying to be a nice guy, letting some kid hang out while he has nobody at home.

11-25-2011, 12:08 PM
Let it all out. My (separated) wife never 'believed' in anxiety disorders. It was a big rift for us. A place like this, or a local support group, is a great way to get some of it off your chest.

Good luck with it all!