View Full Version : Time anxiety

11-15-2011, 04:34 AM

I've just been browsing the forums and it's interesting to see what triggers people have, it seems like loads of people have health anxiety. Does anyone have anxiety about time, like me? I have a massive phobia of being late, or not getting stuff done in time or missing something. I can't take public transport as I get panic attacks about it being late or me missing it, and I waste so much of my time getting places ridiculously early. It's not just about me, either - I spend the whole hour before my boyfriend leaves for uni to get the bus every morning worrying he's going to be late, I usually end up in tears by the end of it. It has such a big effect on my life... I just can't bear to think about what will happen if I'm late. Does anyone else have this, and how do they cope with it?

Liz xx

11-15-2011, 06:14 AM
I think you should just be late one day and see what happens.

11-15-2011, 03:34 PM
Think of it this way, what is the worst that could happen if you were late. I think you will find nothing. I like to be on time as that was the way I was brought up. But in saying that I have been late many times also. What I do is if I know I am going to be late I make a phone call and tell them because I am courteous and the person I am about to see is appreciative of me letting them know. I have never got in trouble for being late but there might be one exception, and that would be being late for your wedding.

What you have to realise is that you can and never will be able to control time. Lets say you are running on time and you have planned everything to the minute and you get to the bus stop on time and the bus is late. Could you predict the bus being late, no. Did you account for the bus being late, no. Is it completely out of you control, yes. Is it your fault no.

What I am trying to say is that we can spend so much time and energy trying to control parts of our lives rather that enjoying them. Try one morning sitting with your boyfriend in the morning and just enjoying his company. Hide the clocks so you can't see them. He will know when he has to leave and just see how you feel. I am sure the first day will be a bit stressful but just notice what you are thinking, thank your mind for the thought then go back to enjoying your boyfriends company.

Good Luck.

11-17-2011, 03:33 AM
Thanks Brad, that'd really good advice. You're right that it's all about control... as is everything we worry about. I will try what you say, although there is no way I could hide the clocks! :)