View Full Version : when will it stop???

11-14-2011, 12:06 PM
ive had anxiety for a year now and i really cant cope with it anymore ;( and now im starting to feel like im gonna go insane , ive been getin bad pains in the side of head alot and feeling dizzy and i know something is wrong and its not just anxiety now , im geting anxious about the pain and feeling sick all the time other wise i think i wud be ok, even though i wont go anywere alone, i cant even work cos i keep messing it up all the time by ringing up sick ! i just want to be the girl i used to be ;( smiling ,having fun, not feeling ill all the time, working and earning money, no body is helping me and i feel lost, im on the urge on ending everything right now,

11-14-2011, 11:22 PM
Hey Anna. I have been dealing with this crap for about two and a half years now. I Have the exact same fears about something being wrong all the time. I get crazy headaches, pain that comes and goes all over in my head, and I think the thing that freaks me out the most is I occasionally get this weird tingling feeling in certain spots on my head and I feel get dizzy. I hate it, but the thing that helps me get through is remembering that if it were something serious I wouldn't still be here. You have to tell yourself that real illness doesn't go away. I'm sure there are times in the day where you are ok or you don't feel bothered? I share the exact same thought, that if I didn't feel pains I would be myself again, but that won't come easy for people like us. If you haven't been to a doctor, I would recommend doing so.

To get through the worst of my anxiety I had to take pills, and I got myself off them and I go through high and low periods now but I just couldn't stand the idea of being medicated for the rest of my life. Once you feel like you are getting yourself under control then you should start looking for people to talk to, and alternative things you can do, I can tell you how much running has helped me. Another thing that helped me was just reading and rereading the list of symptoms at the top of this forum, I bet you will find that you have a ton on that list(i know I did). It hope it helps knowing that you are not the only one dealing with something like this. Please feel free to send me a private message if you ever just want someone to talk to!