View Full Version : Why do I worry about everything and all of the time?!

11-14-2011, 07:44 AM
Hi Everyone. New to the forum - had to just talk and get this off my chest.

I'm a 35yr old male. Everyday I wake up and worry. Worry about absolutely everything and anything. I am sick of feeling this way, I feel so down, depressed and just a constant gloom that something bad is just around the corner.

My most recent and constant worry was about having a serious illness and ended up at the GP's having full blood tests [which thankfully came back ok]. I had googled symptoms (big mistake) and had convinced myself that i had something terminal. Illnesses are just always on my mind.

My current "worry" is that my Wife is going to leave me. She has just recently started a new job and i have this constant horrible vibe that she is going to meet someone there. I wouldn't dare speak to her about this as I feel so ashamed and even believe that i may put the idea into her head. It's also stupid little things like if she doesn't text me during the day then it's a sign that she's with someone - oh this is just so horrible......

I constantly feel on edge, irritable, dreading work, worry about money, worry about health, worry what my children will do when my wife leaves me (even mind reosrted to role playing this in my mind). I have stomach problems which i think is IBS (the mind / gut connection and was confirmed when i was younger), tense muscles, aches and pains.

What the hell is wrong with me - I am just on a constant downer and worry about everything and all of the time!

11-14-2011, 08:38 AM
How long has this been going on?? Did you worry about the future even before you got married and had kids?? The key to eventually keeping your mind in the present moment is accepting whatever symptoms you have.. The more you worry about what's wrong with you, you add fuel to the fire which keeps the fear cycle going.. These thoughts that come through your mind, just let them come and accept them and don't question why they're there.. They'll eventually lose their power over you, it takes time and patience.. Don't give it a time limit.. It of course is human nature to feel better immediately, but the truth is, recovery takes a while.. It comes down to how you react to stress, whether real or imagined.. You get a double whammy when you add more fear by reacting to your symptoms and thoughts.. Your aches and pains come from muscle tension created by mental tension and nothing else.. I would stay on this forum and stop researching diseases and such, it creates more stress.. Depression is just a symptom of anxiety which will go away once you apply acceptance to everything that comes your way.. Is your wife understanding?? If so, It might be a good idea to share with her what your dealing with without telling her you're worried about her finding someone else.. etc.... I was in your position at one time, lasted about 6 years, but it's gone now.. Any more questions just ask.. CHeers..