View Full Version : State or nothingness.

Slammed Vdub
11-13-2011, 08:01 PM
I dont get it for months i was fine. now all of the sudden for no reason, no stress, no worry, i get this feeling of idk how to put it... nothingness, like its a dream like nothing is Real. I feel "on edge" like im about to flip out for no reason and its starting o scare me. Its like compulsive thoughts. Its saddens me because i dont remember what normal feels like, and i cant believe its anxiety. I believe i am going mental, and i get worried over nothing. I get mad so easy, i can mood change for no reason. I feel like i am a lost cause. I dont understand any of this. And im terrified of medicine. I was diagnosed with agoraphobia which i doubt and OCD on thoughts.

Slammed Vdub
11-13-2011, 08:13 PM
I wonder if its only at night because that's when im not distracted and start to think. Either way i just want to be normal again.

11-13-2011, 10:14 PM
yes that happens to me all the time! some times i will be fine then all of a sudden BAM! i have full blown anxiety and feel very very horrible! but you are not going mental! what helps me get through that terrible feeling is knowing that you will not stay like that forever! all though right now you may feel like it, you will feel better soon! your body can only feel so much anxiety and chance is that you have experienced the worse of it! just know it will get better !!!

Slammed Vdub
11-14-2011, 08:11 AM
Its hard to believe because i dont know what "better" feels like which is sad. The doctor when i first got diagnosed gave me hydroxyzine 25 mg, which is nothing but i still cant take it.

11-14-2011, 01:05 PM
That feeling of nothingness is depression. Most people that suffer from clinical anxiety also suffer from clinical depression to some degree as well. This is why drugs like lexapro and zoloft work so well on anxiety disorders. I've found that physical exercise really helps to shake that feeling of nothingness.

Slammed Vdub
11-14-2011, 08:35 PM
I dont know how to describe the feeling. Its very frustrating which makes me even more stressed out because no one gets it. I feel like its the end, if that makes sense. I dont know. Like im not the same person i used to be, im 19 and i wish i was a kid everyday with no worrys and no problems. Its like nothing is real and i dont exist and im liing a fantasy life which is a nightmare and im stuck in the middle of. Kinda like im on the edge of a mental breakdown which fills me with scary thoughts, but its only when i tihnk of it and i cant stop thinking about it (OCD) and i think thats the problem. I feel like its over and i wont ever return to feelign normal, whatevr that feels like. I really wish i could describe the feeling better.