View Full Version : anxiety symptoms for me

11-12-2011, 05:41 AM
this is a list of my symptoms and was hoping people could put my mind at rest and tell me if they are all anxiety related?
daily i feel that the room moves when im stood still or it moves faster when i am moving,
i get the racing heart and rush of adrenaline which i know is a normal symptom,
i get a head rush feeling all over my body and then my feet, hands and nose go cold and i tremble for a while after,
i get a tight band around my head and also one around my ribs and feel like i cant breath properly and that my breathing is forced,
i get numbness in my face and head,
as soon as i feel like i cant breath properly is one of the main triggers to my panic attacks and i dont know how to get out of it, i have suffered for 6 years on and off and this time i just cant get my head out of the anxiety circle :( i think of how i feel when i wake up in the morning and its the last thing i think about before going to bed, sometimes i wake up for no reason and my heart is racing and i have a mini panic attack, i feel if i cant stop this i am gonna have a break down :(

11-13-2011, 08:42 PM
classic anxiety symptoms!!! nope you are going to break down. If you were you would have by now!! read this forum as completely as you can.

You can beat this. Some need drugs others CBT others combo of meds plus behavioral changes. You CAN beat this!!!! your mind is playing tricks on you!!

11-13-2011, 09:37 PM
Thank you Biceps, im just in the anxiety circle and fear being anxious and am stuck in it, got my second counselling session today so hopefully will feel slightly better after this

11-14-2011, 07:02 AM
you won't breakdown!!! read,read,read thisforumj!!! godd luck you will be fine! fight it all the way!!!!!!

11-14-2011, 11:27 PM
Best advice I can give anyone, is very similar to biceps. At the top of this forum is a compiled list of anxiety symptoms. At my worst I would wake in the middle of the night to having a panic attack, similar to what you said, I would grab my laptop, go sit on the couch, put on a light comedy show like The Office and read over and over all the symptoms on that list, and match them to mine until I got it under control.

Try it, and I hope it helps

11-15-2011, 06:24 AM
as soon as i feel like i cant breath properly is one of the main triggers to my panic attacks and i dont know how to get out of it(

Doing Buteyko breathing exercises, after reading Patrick McKeown's anxiety book helped me with this big time! Understanding that over breathing causes too much carbon dioxide released and not more oxygen, helped me a lot.

11-16-2011, 12:39 PM
For four days now everytime I sleep or take a nap I wake up with my heart racing at least 120 beats per minute. I feel like my heart wants to explode. I also get a sensation of a chemical being released in my chest. I fall asleep fine and wake up totally scared. My family ignores me but they try to help by bringing me water. to me it torment to then its just another one of my crazy moments. I take Ativan as needed. 0.5. I think I need something stronger. Have you been through this waking up and heart racing like crazy?

11-17-2011, 11:15 PM
Yes Rocquel, i dont get it everytime i wake up but 75% of the time i do, and like you get the chemical rush in my chest which is adrenalin, i feel i have to fight that feeling all day and almost everyday because its that rush of adrenaline that gives me my panic attacks, when you wake up with the racing heart just lay there and take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, the out breath should be longer than the in breath and then let the in breath be natural. if 0.5 Ativan is not enough then maybe a trip to your GP is in need. im not on any medication but sometimes wish i was. all the best xx

11-17-2011, 11:58 PM
I used to wake up with my heart beating hard, then within seconds it would race. I had a monitor on 2 of the times it happened. One time my heart went to 162 beats per minute. The other time was about 140. It was all part of my nervous system tuned way high, desensitized, and uncontrollable adrenaline release. But really it was me going into fight or flight upon waking.

Now I go to the gym and chose to get my heart rate up, and it's considered healthy.