View Full Version : I have Found a natural alternative to Pharmaceuticals to deal with my anxiety

John K
11-11-2011, 10:50 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety throughout my teenage years and has really affected me socially during my college years. I have tried xanax and valium to treat the anxiety I would have before tests, social settings and before big deadlines. Although these drugs would help I did not like the drugged feeling and side effects of these drugs. I would have a tough time falling asleep as well when taking valium.
Due to these problems I have been looking at natural and herbal remedies and came across Kava as a use for anxiety. I did my research and ordered Kava drops from amazon for around 40 dollars, a bit pricey. The Kava I felt did help but was not as strong as i would hope and for 40 bucks not worth it. Then one day i came across 1HourBreak at a 7 eleven here in san francisco. It claimed to be for anxiety and stress. I read the label and one of the first things i saw was Kava. Having already tried it i thought id give it a try, why not. After all it was only 3.99 as opposed to 40 bucks. I took 20 sprays my first time and WOW did it help to relax me. It felt as though the kava and other additions combined perfectly to produce the effects i was looking for. This product is 100 percent natural too. Kava kava, organic St. Johns wart, Organic passion flower,Organic lobelia herb, pulsatilla herb. The cool thing is that i can take it whenever i want since its a spray. I have used it before and during exams, before presentations, during conversations.
The reason I write this is to help others like me who are willing to try alternative medicines as opposed to the pharmaceutically made drugs. Hope this helps and you guys give 1Hour Break a try, I believe they are sending free samples if you like them on facebook.

John K.