View Full Version : Hypochondriac. Worried...again. Help?

11-11-2011, 08:53 AM

I'm fairly worried that something is wrong with me. I've been a hypochondriac for a while now. I'm 24 years old, and have already been convinced of colon cancer, and have received two colonoscopies (all clear) I've also been convinced of so many other diseases like, leukemia, lymphoma, etc.

I've had only 2 panic attacks and I am pretty stressed out and anxious most days.

My new worry is either MS or Brain Cancer. For the past month I've had so much muscle twitching. First it started in my eyelid. It twitched on and off all day for weeks. Then it moved to my lips, them back to my eyelid. I also get random twitches all over my body. This has been going on for a month. Some days are better than others. But I twitch everyday.

I know it could be my stress and anxiety. I also drink 2 cups of coffee a day. But I've been like this for a long time and the twitching is just now starting.

I have also had this strange almost lightheaded feeling for the past week. Not so much like I'm dizzy or the room is spinning. But just lightheaded and really out of it and kind of unsteady. I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything. I'm having a hard time gathering my thoughts and I just feel depressed. I'm so worried I have MS or a Brain tumor.

Do you think is is related to those, or could it be my anxiety and stress? I feel weird about it because I wasn't that stressed until the symptoms came on.

Like a natural hypochondriac, I can't believe this is due to anything but a terrible disease.

11-11-2011, 02:39 PM

It is very hard sometimes to not believe that a symptom is not something terrible but 99% of the time it is just anxiety. I suffered terribly with hypochondria that stemmed from a severe childhood illness where I was convinced I was going to die. Obviously I didn't die but at the time I was convinced. With the help of a therapist I no longer have this problem. If I get sick, I get sick and my mind does not run away with what terrible ailment I must have.

Eye and lip twitching is something I have have had on and off for as long as I can remember. It is certainly nothing insidious do don't worry and will not be MS or brain cancer. I know it is not MS as my wife has MS and it not one of the symptoms.

There a couple of things you can do. Never, and I mean never look up your symptoms on Google. The internet is not censored and I am sure we could find any number of things wrong if we read enough web pages. Doctors will look at the whole picture to come to a diagnosis. If your doctors have ruled out colon cancer or any other illness, believe them..

Try a magnesium supplement. This can help with the muscle twitching.

Cut out your coffee for a while. Coffee is a stimulant and added to your already stressed anxious body con make you twitchy and jumpy. Replace that coffee with hot water or something else.

Challenge your anxiety thinking. Ask yourself where is the proof there is something wrong, what is the likelihood something is wrong, has a doctor said nothing is wrong.

Lastly remember that anxiety can make us feel many many different sensations from dizziness, vagueness, twitches, etc which is why it can be so scary. But also remember that anxiety cannot hurt you. It is only thoughts. When you get an anxious thought say "I notice my mind telling me I am sick" and move your thoughts to something else.

Good luck

11-15-2011, 05:04 PM
I have exactly the same as you described i too am a hypochondriac, always thinking i have a brain tumor or ms and have only had 3 or 4 anxiety/panic attacks. i just have a sense of unease all through out the day ive had twitching in my eye and its currently in my shoulder but i just dont think about it and its goes away.