View Full Version : How bad is bad?

11-10-2011, 01:40 PM
Having read the list, I have just about every symptom.
I currently have many sources of stress and cannot fix any of them (which apparently as a 'fixer' reinforces the problem). These have all been present for many years, but about two months ago I just kind of broke.

I was seeing a therapist for about a month, but can no longer afford the rates. So subsequently I have gone from bad to worse.

For the past few days I've begun hearing a low ringing sound in my ears as well as voices. Also I'm convinced that the world is coming to an end. I mean entirely convinced, and as a result I have a terrible fear of earthquakes (I've never experienced an earthquake in my life as I live in England). Any 'end of the world' type news (which in the current climate is almost all news) has me shivering in fear.

I'm wondering if there's any option to help myself? the CBT doesn't work, and I don't want meds, but I need to find a way to calm down and just get on, and function.

Many thanks.

11-11-2011, 12:20 AM
Have you tried meditation? I do it a couple of times a day and it helps me a bit. I also found mindulness training so much better than CBT and went ahead in leaps and bounds before i couldnt afford it anymore :-( There are some realy good anti-anxiety guided meditations on you tube too that are free xx