View Full Version : Was this a panic attack or something more (I think it is)

11-10-2011, 01:45 AM
Ok, I'd appreciate any help, or info :) sorry its so long. but if you could read and respond I'd appreciate it so much.

I know I have anxiety and depression, which ok I can deal with. However I was diagnosed also by one therapist as having panic disorder. The first episode was about a year ago, long story short-was on medication, ativan, thought I was "cured" and boom six months ago had another one. I know exactly what the triggers were:

1. starting graduate school after 3 years graduating from college, going through hell, wondering where my life was going, if I was just going to be a bum broke unemployed because of the economy, wondering if I was ever going to make it to grad school, constantly worrying.

2. the beginning of possibly starting a new relationship with someone I had a class with. I don't know what it was but I had a just episode where my head just exploded.

I want to know was this a panic attack/part of panic disorder or something else. This episode was sooooo intense that I starting having so much intense anxiety for months that I think it pushed me into the deepest depression of my life , thought I was going to die. I literally felt the same way as the first episode.

1. my brain was splitting in half (I can feel the front of my head hurting now)
2. super anxious
3. depression (this time worse)

so my question to you is, was this a panic attack/disorder? I was taking ativan at the time and thought I was ok I kept taking it even after the 2nd episode but it stopped working and was so freaked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

What therapists have said:
1. first to diagnose me after the first episode said that without proper treatment of anxiety and depression (3 years w/ no meds, just some counseling) developmental or reaching new stages of life can trigger intense head pain and the episodes can become more intense.
2. other therapist said it was stress. possibly have another condition besides anxiety and depression (which I was saying all along)

I think maybe somewhere this person looking at me (could tell he liked me, maybe wanted to start something) triggered fear or I don't know what because of the pain, feelings of failure guilt from my first relationship. to me dating this new person (call him L) was like a whole new chapter of my life from finally moving on from the sad past 4 years.

Do I have a fear of moving on? going forward developing? sometimes I think I'm meant to be a bum, not have a job, just stay at home living with my mom forever, never meeting anyone. I'm 26 in grad school, and won a fellowship to go overseas for a job, great opportunity. I don't want these issues to destroy my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even if I'm able to go in two months (Godwilling or next year is at all possible) I won't be able to start a relationship but just been holding on the past 6 months for dear life.

11-15-2011, 11:23 PM
Hey there!
So in the title you think that this is more than anxiety, but ignore the pain you are experiencing for a second and read your post again, and seriously when you reread this really ignore your pain. If you try to be an outside mind looking in on what you have written I think you will know whether or not this is from anxiety.

Of course my opinion is not from an expert, or someone with any kind of PhD but I can tell you from personal experience that I have had a similar relapse after I thought I was "cured", until about a week ago I hadn't been on this site in a year, stopped taking my prescription about 8 months ago and I was feeling great. Yet, here I am. And yes I think yours is anxiety related.

Neither of us is going to get over this easily, but if you don't want it to "destroy your life" than don't let it. I am a strong believer that I control my own destiny and you do too! You are going to be faced with a lot of great challenges in the near future and unfortunately your anxiety will be there to try and stop you, but don't let it ruin great oppurtunities for you! When I developed my anxiety problems, it helped end my relationship of ten years, and I let that happen. If I had been a stronger person then I would still have that person in my life, don't let that happen to you.