View Full Version : Painful panic attacks, psychology and EMDR

11-09-2011, 08:15 AM
Hey everyone,

Was just wondering, does anyone else have panic attacks that cause severe physical pain. I suffer chest pains, spinal pain, stomach pain and sometimes even menstrual cramping-like pains. Ive been to the doctors and theyve done xrays and ultrasounds and found no damage to my body but when I have an attack, especially if im forced to sit up) it HURTS.... Any advice? I had one in the middle of church a fornight ago and my back felt like someone holding a hot object against me... I know i have scoliosis but the doctor says it wont really be a problem though panic attacks because its not tha0t severe...

And I was also wondering has anyone else done EMDR psycology? Im about to the start and I want to know if it worked for anyone. The general psycology works pretty well and relieving my stress but I dont know if it will work in the long run. I had a bought of psycology last year about June July time and by September I was back the way I was... actually no, I was worse id gone from just anxiety to depression and slight agoraphobia too... Im so scared that its not going to work.... I really hope it does but im so worried... can anyone put my mind at ease??

Thanks so much for any advice.... very greatly appreciated

11-09-2011, 06:30 PM
Hi. I have had EMDR and other similar techniques and for me the results were really good. I also found ACT and mindfullness to be excellent so you could ask about those techniques also. For me it was the combination of all those that had the best result but we are all different with different needs. . It sounds to me like you are on the right path and remember any step in the right direction, no matter how small will be a positive one. You will get better. Anxiety is just playing games with you right now, but that is what anxiety is an expert at.

As for pain my anxiety did cause back and chest and head pain but since I am more in control the symptoms are now barely noticeable.