View Full Version : Hey

11-29-2006, 04:38 PM
Hey, erm I'm Kaiya and I am 18 years old.

I have never really considered my anxiety too bad untill very recently. I have PTSD, but anxiety other then that has generally been okay...untill within the last year. I worry about everything constantly to the point it ruins my relationships, my friendships and makes it real hard for me to keep down a Job. Whilst I am okay in social situations, although really quite shy, situations such as a work where i have to do something right i find so hard. Dealing with people is so hard. I am in a constant fear of doing something wrong, I need reasureing in everything I do constantly....I cant confront people, I cant phone people.

recently I have been having panic attacks over simple things. Today I had a huge one at work becuase I was in trouble for getting my mum to phone in sick for me. The reason my mum rang in for me and not myself was becuase I was panicing terribly to the point of hyperventaltion over the concept of having to phone into work. I had to be sent home where it was safe.

I feel crazy. I feel like noone understands, everyone just says don't worry and just chill out and toughen up. I can't do that though, I can't calm down when i get in those states and I just cant stop obsessively worrying about everything in its worse case scenarios.
I am sure this sounds pretty mild for some people but its starting to effect my life. Im not sleeping properly. I cant bare to go to work. I am going to loose my job and then ill have nowhere to live..and i just cant stop it.

I guess I am hopeing someone can understand :-(

12-02-2006, 07:42 PM
welcome to the fourms! :)

these things happen at times, and at least for me and many others who have joined these forums.

this might not be much help but i always offer my email if anyone wants to talk. [email protected]

I used to have alot of anxiety when i was in high school and was on medecine during my 12 grade, nowadays after almost ayear without it i can say im 80% off anxiety.

do you have a phycologist/councelur to talk to? at first it freaks you out but you can see how much it helps someone to hear and talk to you who can understand your situation and improve it. and maybe depending on how you are doing, and if you want to, you can take medicine such as Zoloft for certain amount of time depending on how advanced the anxiety is.

once again, welcome and hope to hear from you again!
